

Active Member
I bought sum more fox farm soil awhile bak I'm just now transplanting my plants into much bigger pots and the fox farm soil I bought is infested with ants my worries are that when I transplant the my plants will the ants damage the root system the magnitude of ants are crazy i stuck my hand in to grab a handfull of soil and around 50 lil fuker were crawling all over me plus there's tons of eggs so suggestion on if I can use the soil or buy sum more whitch I don't really have the money to replace the countless bags of fox farm I bought


Well-Known Member
I bought sum more fox farm soil awhile bak I'm just now transplanting my plants into much bigger pots and the fox farm soil I bought is infested with ants my worries are that when I transplant the my plants will the ants damage the root system the magnitude of ants are crazy i stuck my hand in to grab a handfull of soil and around 50 lil fuker were crawling all over me plus there's tons of eggs so suggestion on if I can use the soil or buy sum more whitch I don't really have the money to replace the countless bags of fox farm I bought
Get your money back?


Well-Known Member
I'd think that just using it would kill most of the eggs, and generally fuck things up enough that they'd have a hard time getting established again. Maybe just stir it around a good amount to scatter the eggs so they're lost to the adults. Also, I've never heard of ants doing any harm to plants. I don't know though, do they?

That sucks that they sold you a big ant farm with your soil though. Guess it's better than getting some free mites with it.


Well-Known Member
Durasban is the only ant killer worth a crap imo. Then again we had fire ants and those things are almost impossible to erradicate. But if you want to insure their gone that's my solution.


Active Member
I'm gona go check alittle later on prob pore it into a metal tub I have out there n give it a good stiring maybe pore water through it drown um or sumtin I'm doin sum research into if they harm roots right Now


Well-Known Member
Could try using grits. Just spread it over the soil and then water in a few days. Blocks up their canals and they might move along, contrary to popular belief they won't explode. I've had success with little black piss ants but that's about it, bigger ants just move em out.


Active Member
Yeah it's those little ants we call em picnic ants but grits idk I'll def try it I'm gonna try a couple dif methods but so far nothings saying that there much of a harm to the plants maybe eating of the leaves


Well-Known Member
I'm gona go check alittle later on prob pore it into a metal tub I have out there n give it a good stiring maybe pore water through it drown um or sumtin I'm doin sum research into if they harm roots right Now
Unfortunately you can't drown them. They absorb oxygen through the skin and trap a little bubble under their belly, similar to a spiders book lungs.


Well-Known Member
I just found ants on and around my plant, so I would like to see what you find as to if they cause any damage to plants. +rep to ya if u find out


Well-Known Member
The ants themselves are beneficial as long as they aren't nesting in the dirt. You were correct in thinking they will mess up the root system.


Termites are even worse. They'll tunnel up the root system, then eat the woody portion at the soil line.


yeah ants are ok but if there in your pots, or have mounds around your plants it can kill them. in my garden outside they killed 2 hot peppers and ate the stem close to ground level up to 5inches i noticed both had nest right next to them. so best to watch for those bastards mounds