Any advice on building a chamber for Mothers and young clones


Well-Known Member
I have experience producing a kick ass crops with coco coir in a tent with 600 watt HPS...10 plants.

Now I want to expand my business. I want to buy a many pod clone machine (no I don't care to build it myself for pennies on the dollar).

What do I need to house bonsai like mothers? Can I get a large card board box, cut out some holes for lights and door and fans and be done with it?

I plan to sell my clones to medical card holders on craigslist along with phone and e-mail grow support consultation. I may sell them to dispensaries or delivery services as well.

I hope to also expand into seeds--not production, but where I grow clone new desirable strains that I purchase from a seed bank.

Right now, the mystery is how to properly handle a few small mothers. If you can give me some cost effective ideas--because I don't have the desire to spend another $1500 on a small but proper set up. Info on chamber and lights would be a plus.

I do have some money though, so let those ideas fly.



Well-Known Member
When dealing with mother plants, the main thing to get your head around is that, you're not "pushing" the plant for maximum growth (not using maximised lighting and nutes, etc.). Basically, you just want the plant to "coast along" and stay healthy. This works good for a "single" mother plant (which can put out a surprising # of clones every week or so, and still not lose any "size"). If you need a larger # of clones, of the same strain, add a second or third mother, etc., etc.

An alternate method for making (a whole frigging bunch of) clones, is to keep a single mother (as above) that produces a perpetual batch of "several" sacrificial mothers (6 or 8, maybe 20?) every week. After vegging for an appropiate amount of time (using "regular" growing techniques), to achieve the size needed, the "sacrificial mothers" are completely chopped up (I mean stripped to the stem!) to produce that weeks production run of clones. Depending on how many "sacrificial mothers" you cut each week and how long you veg them, you can easily get 100, or so, - 1,000 clones each week off of 2-20 sacrificial mothers.



Well-Known Member
Buy a cupboard in a thrift shop. Big enough to house a heated propogator and lid. Wire in a couple of 23w cfls. Job done. £20.