any advice on growng in corn field?


Active Member
im planning on growing in the corn this year but how should i go about it?should i just use the soil thats already in the field or use own and is it better to plant on the edge of the corn and woods or in the middle of the corn more?n how tall do you all wait for the corn to be before u put them out?


Well-Known Member
I would look for more wooded areas around the corn. Then put it in the taller grass on the edge. We had a farmer cut down all of ours one year because we planted in the ditch between fields. I'm pretty sure they look for it if they know better. We just stuck it in the dirt around here. I'm not heaving dirt miles away, but then again we have really good soil around here...
is it your feild or someone elses? if yours look you want you plants facing south so no cover to block light south or east and west you want to make sureyou get a good at least 8 hours of good direct light the better you can place it for light the better it will be for every period of growth. if not your feild look for a different spot. the hard it is for you to get there knowing where it is the less likely someone will find your shit. good luck hope this helps some


Well-Known Member
This is one of your many questions regarding corn field growing.

In one of your threads I linked you too an old thread that involving corn field growing. Read threw that and it should answer most of your questions, Its pretty elaborate so I assure you can find 90% of the information in that thread alone.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
When Folk's mention 'Cornfield growing, I get High----ly concerned. Most Cornfield Growers has sprayed 'weed killing herb-I-cide. "Pick-la-ram " is one name for it. Be careful when planting in an existing cornfield. Even planting in the outside area is bad, damn wind carries a LONG, LONG, DAMMED LONG ways. Happy Hunting.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing as I live in nebraska and there is lots of fukin corn. Never done outdoors and heard that it is hard to keep fems outdoors here. anyone with experience for growing in the midwest that would be awesome.