Any Bud Smokin' Star Trek fans out there?


Well-Known Member
I'm not afraid to admit I'm a nerd, and I kinda doubt there's too many of my kind here, but what the hell.

I'm in my 30s now and watched the old school stuff on Sundays and in 1987, when Next Generation started, I was about 11yrs old and loved it since. When I watch episodes of TNG today, the writers used a lot of words that were foreign at the time, but are everyday speak now...such as the word download.

Let's talk about Star Trek! I'll throw out some conversation starters, some trivia and we'll see what happens.

Who is the superior officer, Cpt. Kirk or Cpt. Picard?

What's your favorite episode?
Mine happens to be 'Cause and Effect' and 'the Royale' also 'Emergence'...all TNG, my favorite original is "Spectre of the Gun".

What's your favorite ST movie?
Original : ST IV, the voyage home and for TNG my fav is First Contact.

1. Does Jean Luc Picard have any offspring? (must provide more than a yes or no)
2. What is the complete Borg catch phrase? (no googling)
3. In the episode "Rember Me", who is the affected crew member?
4. In TNG, how many times total did they show human or humanoid characters getting totally vaporized by a phaser?
in a borg monotone voice ," i am 6 of 9 my friends all want a demonstration of my sixtynining abilities WOOD u like a go ? LOL
my favorites were always TNG. and DS9 wasn't bad either. obv love the originals too. i believer i'm right around the same age as the OP... that's when i got hooked on the shit too.

too many episodes i loved to list :)

my favorite of the movies for sure was the latest one, "Star Trek". i really loved how they did the whole storyline of that movie.
im pretty sure piccard had a son but this white widdow has messed my head .. we are borg resistence is futile, prepare to be assimilated, My fav is star trek voyager. Give me seven of nine any day over ds9
im pretty sure piccard had a son but this white widdow has messed my head .. we are borg resistence is futile, prepare to be assimilated, My fav is star trek voyager. Give me seven of nine any day over ds9

DING DING DING!!!!! We got a winner!!!! He did have a son, and your borg quote is also correct.