Any Experienced growers good at recognizing age of plants?


Active Member
I've got these landrace sativas and this one went into flowering i'd say around 4-6 weeks ago, made a log error and didn't remember the exact dates. anyone got an idea? IMG_0001.jpgIMG_0002.jpgIMG_0003.jpgIMG_0004.jpg if you need to see more pics lemme know, i got pics up the ass.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really matter how old/how long they've been flowering. The buds are ripe when they are ripe. Looks like you are outdoors, and I'm guessing in the US. Most strains in most areas are ready sometime in October. I'd guess five or six weeks left, you have a ways to go


Active Member
this is about as close as i could get to the whole plant, otherwise my camera made everything seem to blend into the background. you guys are probably right about them being at the 3 week range, i might've counted the transition period between veg and flower which i've read is usually about 2 weeks for pure sativas. thanks


Active Member
Did you "stumble" across them, and that's why you don't know how old they are??

  • well kinda, long story, i made a big no no and took it out of it's natural spot. it was wild and i was curious and i was a noob in the growing scene. but i know not to do it again, could have been somebody elses crops ( i knew it wasn't because they are scattered around everywhere on the land we own, been around ever since we moved into this house.) but anyway yeah, they're wild, i'm guessing hemp. everyone says they won't get you high so i kept it going to prove them wrong, the whole thing is making trichs right now and usually that's a sign of thc, well, when they get cloudy/milky it is. but i got it when it was still vegging. so i had it in control when it started flowering, i just completely forgot to log the day it started.​



Active Member
It doesn't really matter how old/how long they've been flowering. The buds are ripe when they are ripe. Looks like you are outdoors, and I'm guessing in the US. Most strains in most areas are ready sometime in October. I'd guess five or six weeks left, you have a ways to go
ahhh location will stay irrelevant right now lol, don't wanna give anybody any info about where i'm at lol but yeah that's what i figured, plus i though that since they are sativa they could flower anywhere up to 14 or so weeks, so i figured i had a while either way. thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
If you found them scattered across your property....i highly doubt there hemp bro! Keep an eye out... Someone will be looking for those very soon! Lol
good luck!

Oh and incedently, hemp will not get you high!! I repeat all you will get is a headache, and u will never see any tricromes, or any sort of dust on the buds.... If you know what i mean?
It will flower, but none of the good stuff in the buds, from what I understand! Make a sweater!! Lol


Active Member
hahhahahah "make a sweater!" lol i'm crackin up at that... well from the pictures i've got this does not smell, look, or smoke anything like hemp, there are trichs all over it! haha but no i asure you that they aren't anybodys, i've been out there at night in all camo where i found them waiting to see if i find anybody, and so far nothing. i feel like they are a landrace or something, either way, i'm keeping them native to my land, i've got shit tons of seeds off of one of them so i will be giving nature back what i took, to try and balance everything out... either way, they don't look like hemp, they look more like a landrace you'd find in africa, but they are everywhere, all the same plant. i sort of wonder if this is somebody's previous grow site that they just don't use anymore... because nothing is groomed the way a growsite usually is nowadays. nonetheless, i will follow up with reviews of this stuff


Active Member
yes, there weren't just fems growing in the vicinity, their were alot of males to, 1 of the plants i found got barely pollenated and is producing some seeds... so i'm taking em keeping em over winter and i'll just throw them back out before spring so nature takes its course, probably keep a couple to breed with also.