Ok for despite my probably getting flamed I have to chime in a bit and give my two cents.
First I brew mead and wine so I gave a bit of insight into yeast, not scientific mind you but experience. Also with my master garden certificate I can say with all confidence that any increase of Co2 below threshold and above norm will get an improved yield.
That being said (and with all due respect and reverence to the above posters) you cannot simply put sugar yeast and water in a jug with a bubbler and get massive co2 without some serious issues unless you get lucky. If the yeast is contaminated you will get molds and fungus that will kill your drying buds even if it's in another room.
This is a cheap and safe way to get decent co2 production. Or you can google a wine recipe and it's a bit more expensive.
1.Got to a wine shop or on eBay and buy a 1or two gallon jug a rubber cork for the bubbler in the appropriate size (they have every size imaginable) it will cost about 50cents also pick up a bubbler also .50 to a dollar and a packet of LALVIN EC-1118 champagne yeast @.25 cents( bread yeast dies quickly and turbo yeast is focused on making alcohol, champagne yeast is bred specifically for C02 production to keep the champagne bubbly and this strain can handle high alcohol)
2. Get a pound of sugar a small jar of honey and a bit of UNSULPHERED, molasses. And a gallon of distilled water or just boil some tap.
3.in a pot Pour sugar 1tbsp UNSULPHERED molasses and tbsp honey in and if you have some on hand a couple drops of Lemmon or orange juice add water until the ingredients are dissolved and the consistency of warm maple syrup.The molasses feeds the yeast trace elements and nutes the honey does this also and the Lemmon adds vit c. UNSULPHERED is a must because if it has sulphur the yeast WILL produce H2S
Hydrogen sulfide will kill your babies and it can kill you. It is also highly flammable you can substitute molasses with yeast nutrient but you probably have molasses on hand for watering(cheap).
4. Heat on stove on low until a thermometer hits about 125 to sterilize the solution then let cool.
5. Sterilize, sterilize, sterilize, the jug the bubbler and the cork also you're hands. Rogue yeast and bacteria are like rogue pollen, it's on you're skin in the air on fruit everywhere. You don't want the yeast to have to compete or you won't get that sweet sweet pure co2 and you don't want mold and fungus spore floating around at harvest time
6. Pour the sugary mix into the sterilized jug until a third to half full then pour in sterile or distilled water leaving about 4to5 inches of visible air shake it up then add yeast, cap with cork. Fill bubbler up to the line with sterile water and if the jug is clear cover with a black cloth to block light, yeast doesn't appreciate light. Set in garden you'll see bubbles in an hour or so.
Make sure to place a drip tray under the jug this yeast get really crazy sometimes and it may boil over if it does pour a bit out clean the bubbler and your good to go.
After it stops bubbling which can be up to two months toss out and start again.
I have an old root cellar that's 10 by 15 ft with four 5gallon cowboys of mead brewing and it generates enough co2 to have dead suffocated mice and insects that have to be cleaned out every month, and I don't go in there without airing it out with a fan for at least an hour.
Now if I'm wrong please feel free to correct me on any of my methods and I'll appreciate the info. Sorry for the long post but the yeast I mentioned busts out some serious co2 and some really kick ass mead.