Yea like others have said just a couple more weeks...but you are getting close so.. as of right now here's what your going to do..
Yes I'm forcing you to do this...and I promise you will thank me...I'm a betting man so I'd place a wager..
Literally start preparing for your drying and curing...go to any store.. (walmart, lowes..hardware stores) and buy some mason jars (brand-ball.. reallly cheap, couple bucks) and maybe a small rh meter..when you get home start taking readings of inside the jar where your going to cure them...write everything down!
Go home and start researching because IMO (in most opinions) this is the most important part...this is what makes it the final product, that we love so much so do not cut corners...or I guarantee you'll regret it
Always dry in the dark....a slow steady dry upside'd want to test the humidity here as well...I've honestly have everything set up and ready to go and I have like 7 more weeks left! Lol
But seriously, you've done a great job for your first time...and you don't want to screw yourself after all this time!