Any guesses what this strain is?


Well-Known Member
OK, this is a stab in the dark, but any help would be appreciated.

Back in the mid-90's a good friend of mine went on a trip to Amsterdam. While she was there, she picked up a gram of some really good bud and mailed it to me here in Canada.

At the time, I couldn't believe how amazing that bud was, and I want to try to figure out what it was.

From memory:

Look: Mint green colour with LOTS of orange/almost-red hairs but so completely covered in crystal trichs.

Smell: Overwhelmingly spicy, with strong floral/incense notes. I can't nail down what spice it was, from memory, but it was SO damned different than any bud I had ever smelled. Just smelling it made my appetite go into high gear. I recall NO skunkiness, no fruitiness, maybe a bit of earthiness but this was totally overshadowed by SPICE and floral tones.

Taste: Again, spicy. Exotic! Perhaps a bit sharp, but it was extremely dry, so...

Smoke: Expansive. Small tokes would balloon inside my lungs and almost sting, but did not cause major coughing fits.

Stone: I would say it was Sativa or at least Sativa dominant. Very happy, giggly, almost manic - but without the paranoia/anxiety that I often get from strong Sativas.

So. Any guesses?
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Thanks everyone.

If I had to pin-point an exact year, my best guess would be '93.

Maybe instead of trying to figure out what it was, I should be asking you all what is the spiciest strain(s) you know of.

Anything that rings these bells; spicy, floral, incense. Maybe saffron is the spice smell I remember... ??

I don't recall any pine/tree smell.

Could it have been Acapulco Gold ? !!

It looked very, very much like that nug, but it was compressed a lot more from shipping in a flat package. Very hard. More white/crystals. I do remember now that it had that yellowy-green hue.

I don't really recall any toffee/butterscotch sweetness, but as I said it was incredibly/completely dry so maybe that reduced the sweetness ?

Strange too that I remember it feeling more like a sativa-dominant. I could be wrong on that. I was pretty chronic back in the day.
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