any have experience with super silver haze?


Well-Known Member
does the flowering time reflect the time it takes to germinate?

its been germ for 7 days and hasnt cracked. im using paper towl in a glass methord.

also got a bag seed that hasnt cracked in 7 days either.

the SSH is feminised so id be pissed if i lost it. seems to be taking longer than the others i germinated.


Well-Known Member
7 days is a long time. Me thinks they may be dead.

Also the flowering time listed doesnt reflect the seedling time or the vegging time either, so add a month and two weeks to that time as well.


Well-Known Member
they cant be dead! maybe the bag seed coz i just found that in my friends bag,

the SSH i ordered, got it the next day. it cost me £10! its a feminised one and i havnt done anything wrong when germinating.

think i should take it out of the towl in the glass an use the 2 plate methord?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean a paper towel IN A Glass method.

I have never heard of that before??

Also You got just one seed for 10 pounds? or a pack of 10 for 10 pounds.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean a paper towel IN A Glass method.

I have never heard of that before??

Also You got just one seed for 10 pounds? or a pack of 10 for 10 pounds.
just 1 fem seed for 10 quid including p&p.

i put the seed in a kitchen paper towel. i covered it over and left it wet in the glass. not in the water drowning but out of it up the side of the glass.

left the glass in a kitchen cupboard.

if this method is wrong then it needs to be taken out of the faq and/or sticky


Well-Known Member
i dont think there is anything wrong with the method...
anyway, you should buy a pack of seeds, just in case something goes wrong...
the shell might be a little thick, so maybe more water?
hope it germs...:hug::hug::hug:


Well-Known Member
Just making sure it wasnt drowing...

IDK, your keeping it wet huh? Dud seed.. Try another?

Id bitch to the seed co..


Well-Known Member
i have other plants growing. those seeds including white widow and trance germinated within 3 i think.

dont know why this one is taking so long. i might switch to the plate method when i get home.

im not buyin any more seeds again, this is my 1st and last grow.


Well-Known Member
i shouldnt even be doing this grow. i dont know if uve seen my posts but couple of reasons i started growing.

coz i like it as a hobby and i need to make abit more money.

i moved out my mums house last month. my gf went mad at me when she found out i was growing. we had a massive fight etc and she made me a deal,

she said i can keep the grow and we can make some money off them. we could really use the money. but once this grow is finished im not to bring pot into the house.

and im not allowed to spend any profit from weed on our baby.

so basicly, when our baby boy pops out im stopping growing and im not smoking in the house or infront of them any more.

so yer, last grow. trying to make the best of it.


Well-Known Member
Ouch, still dont get her reason why you cant spend the profit on the baby.

I would think she would say only on the baby...


But none-the-less a chick that doesnt respect your smoking habits is gonna have a hard time dealing with you for the rest of life...


Well-Known Member
Ouch, still dont get her reason why you cant spend the profit on the baby.

I would think she would say only on the baby...


But none-the-less a chick that doesnt respect your smoking habits is gonna have a hard time dealing with you for the rest of life...
Nah i understand. its bcoz that money wasnt earnt in a decent way, it was from growing pot.

she does, and i respect her, thats why im happy about not smoking in front of my fiancee and son. i wouldnt do that anyway, not actually good parenting smoking drugs infront of my baby boy.

its cool, not that i will be smoking it that much bcoz i cant afford it (another reason for my grow) and wont have as much time. probs just have a few in my car when im free. got a dvd player in there so its still cool.


Well-Known Member
Nah i understand. its bcoz that money wasnt earnt in a decent way, it was from growing pot.

she does, and i respect her, thats why im happy about not smoking in front of my fiancee and son. i wouldnt do that anyway, not actually good parenting smoking drugs infront of my baby boy.

its cool, not that i will be smoking it that much bcoz i cant afford it (another reason for my grow) and wont have as much time. probs just have a few in my car when im free. got a dvd player in there so its still cool.

1st off you shouldent even be on this website if your callin Weed a DRUG!!!??? WTF?


Well-Known Member
wordum, as long as your cool with it...

Us girls can get pretty controlling though, so keep your eyes wide awake for it.


Well-Known Member
yeah. but its only a drug if you make it a drug.

i mean is food a drug??? it does something too fills you up.


Well-Known Member
So is cocaine... and tobbaco, and there still drugs...

Dont get it wrong, we abuse weed, at least I do.

We all use it to do something for us, and that means it is a Herb Drug. No different in sight than a Perscription Opiate drug.

The fact doesnt change that it a good DRUG, a damn good drug, and it should be legal...
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