Since it was brought to North America, purple loosestrife has become a serious invader of wetlands, roadsides and disturbed areas. The plant forms dense stands with thick mats of roots that can extend over vast areas. The stands reduce nutrients and space for native plants and degrade habitat for wildlife. Each plant can grow as many as 30 flowering stems that can produce up to 2.7 million seeds each year. The tiny seeds are easily spread by water, wind, wildlife and humans.
In 1992, the Canadian and American governments approved the release of two European leaf-eating beetles, Galerucella calmariensis and G. pusilla. The beetles are natural enemies of purple loosestrife and feed primarily on the plant, although they occasionally eat other species of loosestrife. This biological control of purple loosestrife can reduce populations by up to 90 per cent and allow native plants to re-establish. The beetles were widely released in Ontario, and purple loosestrife populations at many of these sites have been significantly reduced.