Any ideas on why this happens quickly and randomly on the big fan leaves?

Living soil, 5 autos, tomato compost, leaf mould, perlite and worm castings, 5l fabric pots. The odd sprouted seed tea, compost tea and living soil's dry amendments, spring water, the odd chop and drop from cover crops. As you can see they look overall OK
however, sometimes it seems overnight a big leaf goes like this
One of them went like a full on N deficiency in the space of two days and was wilted massively so I removed it, the N should be absolutely fine in what I'm using.
Toxic salt buildup will destroy major fan leaves quickly. I learned this the hard way. First a few of them, then almost all the tops are affected. No matter how much runoff I seem to do it still happens after 4 to 5 weeks in flower stage. Also strain dependent on how much toxicity they can take. Some take less time, others more.

I am using the Athena Blended lineup. Now I am doing 3 straight feeds and the 4th is Cleanse only. It's amazing the difference already but I wont know if it's working for sure until this new crop hits 5 weeks and up.

Keep an eye on them and see if more are affected over the next few days.
Toxic salt buildup will destroy major fan leaves quickly. I learned this the hard way. First a few of them, then almost all the tops are affected. No matter how much runoff I seem to do it still happens after 4 to 5 weeks in flower stage. Also strain dependent on how much toxicity they can take. Some take less time, others more.

I am using the Athena Blended lineup. Now I am doing 3 straight feeds and the 4th is Cleanse only. It's amazing the difference already but I wont know if it's working for sure until this new crop hits 5 weeks and up.

Keep an eye on them and see if more are affected over the next few days.
Awesome thanks for the info I will