Any ideas or tips on my new closet setup?

Hey everyone I'm new to the thread i just started my first grow by myself. I have 168 w of reg t5 bulbs, and aprox 60 w in white leds. I just ordered a 70w warm white chip that i will install before the flowering stage. I have two 6" fans one that is alot more powerful. As far as co2 i plan to either make a yeast bucket or a bucket with caco3 and hydrochloric acid.( if i do that i plan to put those in a seprate room and just run the lines in) i plan to add some red leds for supplemental lighting in the flower stage as well haven't decided on a wattage of red chip any ideas? I will say I'm on a budget grow and everything including my 60 day lemon auto fem seeds from dna genetics has only cost me 500$ i plan to stay kinda cheap for the first grow.( work out the bugs) my room is 2.5' by 3'. As u can see im using hydroponics i have 3 airstones in the res and it holds approx 18 gallons of water. Im using all purpose plant food very lightly and the npk of that is 8-7-6 i used rooting powder on my seeds and 90% poped and now just waiting for the tap roots to get about 1/2 an inch before planting in my hydro. I plan to do 24/7 light unless someone thinks otherwise and if so whats the reasoning. My room stays about 85 degrees and my water temp is sitting at 70. Ph levels of about 5.5 if any one has suggestions or ideas please let me know hope my design is to your guys liking.

