any ideas what i could do with this space?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Get a big ass aquarium and get a Colombian Red Tail boa.

For a grow spot, if you can take down that middle portion you could get a 250W HPS/MH or set yourself up a CFL grow spot. that back opening would be great for ventilation.


Well-Known Member
It looks like that middle shelf can go up pretty high so maybe make the top a cloning chamber and put a 250 light in there like cranker said. Depending what the dimensions are you could probably manage a 400 with the right ventilation

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
A chamber where you keep your rooting clones. Normally would be a couple of heated propagators and a ouple of small CFL's


Well-Known Member
What he said. I was sort of assuming you took clones. Even if you start from seed it would be a good idea. Just have some CFL's above an 8" humidity dome and get the plants germinated/rooted before putting them in more intense light. It will also speed up your harvest because you can have plants that are a month old before they even go into the larger section.


Well-Known Member
a 250w or 400w will be ok in there if you have a great deal of ventilation and can keep it open most of the time or use an inlet fan too

id go for at-least a 6 inch fan if you are going to use HPS in that space ..

i have made a few of these type box's before the problem is the shape, they are tall but have very little width, so the plants can never spread out they grow very narrow and upright,

a screen is a must to stop the colas from shading each other
i found it best to grow a nice sativa dom strain in my wardrobe type box because that makes use of all the height with nice slender long colas .. g13xhaze kali mist c99 are good strains for this .. rather than an indica strain that will fill that space with leaves and not make so much use of the height and normaly likes to grow in a wider space/shape

you could split it in the middle and grow 2 levels in there, that would be more complicated but would maximise the yield you could have 125-250w cfl on each level grow plants 12/12 from seed or flower some clones early and keep them to a single cola each, and do a mini SOG on each level keeping them 1.5 to 2ft high or whatever your restrictions are :)