Any Ideas what these spots are?? Do I have to worry??


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Active Member
Thanks for all the replies. I suspect it may be the beginning of Nutrient Burn. I use MG with slow release nutes. I have been told since my first post that MG is not the best choice so I will change on my next grow. I mixed it 50 / 50 with perlite so it flushes pretty good. For this reason I have been feeding diluted vegging nutes every third watering. At this point I have stopped the feeding at this point and I will monitor the girls for any improvement. I am waiting for a pocket microscope to be delivered and will then check for insect problems.

Once again thanks for the responses. This site is truly a goldmine of information!!


Active Member
Doesn't look like nute burn to me. That starts at the edges and it will make the leaves feel crispy (the texture gets really off, you'd know it).