Any ideas??


New Member
Hello does anyone know what's wrong withthese plants for the past week the leaves have been drooping but it has improved since I didn't water them I believe, and todaythey are twisting at the top of the plants moved the fan further away from the tops I haven't watered for about a week as it seemed I had overwatered so I thought would be best to leave them also it might be hard to See but some leaves on the tips of the plant have yellow tips which Im thinking is overfeeding

I'm using guanokalong organic soil temps between 22 and 19° I have been feeding them with plant Magic oldtimer grow and bloom nothing else

I'm not sure whether to just flush them but only thing is I have not yet introduced bloom nutrients the last time I give them food was about a week ago with only veg nutrients I want to give them some bloom but now I'm not sure haha any suggestions



New Member
The leaves on the top left plant was mainly the one drooping and little bit bottom left plant the other where ok


New Member
And the top left has really skinny leaves on the top I'm just writing these down as I think otherwise I will forget


Well-Known Member
It looks pretty happy to me?

If you haven't watered in a week, I'd hazard a guess that drooping leaves means your girls are thirsty. How big is the container they're in?


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, in smaller than 3 gallon cloth pots they're sure to be thirsty with no water for a week, I'd think. My girls in mid-veg like to be watered every 3 or 4 days in their 3 gallons, and they get thirstier in flower.