Any long term smokers?

Thanks guys for your replies. I've been smoking and vaping weed for about 10 years now. I'm not sure if it's the weed or if getting older is making me less sharp. Been taking lions mane to see if that helps.
Thanks guys for your replies. I've been smoking and vaping weed for about 10 years now. I'm not sure if it's the weed or if getting older is making me less sharp. Been taking lions mane to see if that helps.
Lion's mane, THC, CBDA, lithium, and caffeine are all neuroprotective in the right doses. You should also be taking an omega 3 supplement.

I'd also throw in some ginseng for sure, and maybe some reishi, holy basil, cordyceps, or other adaptogens if you are so inclined.

NAC or N-acetyl cysteine is another good supplement to be taking daily. It is a glutathione precursor, and can thus help with detoxification.
Thanks guys for your replies. I've been smoking and vaping weed for about 10 years now. I'm not sure if it's the weed or if getting older is making me less sharp. Been taking lions mane to see if that helps.

10 years is nothing. I started smoking cigs at 12 and pot at 13 and still do both. I'm 68 in a couple of weeks and my lungs are pretty bad. The bulk of my cannabis ingestion is in the form of edibles now. Small hits in the pipe most evenings.

Been a heavy binge drinker most of my life but since quitting booze over a year ago my memory has got a lot better. I credit micro-dosing magic mushrooms with getting me off the booze and greatly reducing the chronic depression that has been steady since a near fatal hammer attack in my early 20s.

I did have a small stroke about 7 years ago and had serious brain fog from that for a couple years. I order hemp hearts and hemp protein in bulk and eat a lot of that plus many vitamins and supplements. Some for general health, a few for prostate issues and some like Ginko Biloba for the head tho not noticing any improvement from that really but only been taking it for a month. Melatonin to help with sleep but rarely need it since the stroke.

We recently got a pound of leaf tobacco from a friend and the wife an I are both quitting when it's done in a couple weeks or so. Just in time for my b-day. :)


10 years is nothing. I started smoking cigs at 12 and pot at 13 and still do both. I'm 68 in a couple of weeks and my lungs are pretty bad. The bulk of my cannabis ingestion is in the form of edibles now. Small hits in the pipe most evenings.

Been a heavy binge drinker most of my life but since quitting booze over a year ago my memory has got a lot better. I credit micro-dosing magic mushrooms with getting me off the booze and greatly reducing the chronic depression that has been steady since a near fatal hammer attack in my early 20s.

I did have a small stroke about 7 years ago and had serious brain fog from that for a couple years. I order hemp hearts and hemp protein in bulk and eat a lot of that plus many vitamins and supplements. Some for general health, a few for prostate issues and some like Ginko Biloba for the head tho not noticing any improvement from that really but only been taking it for a month. Melatonin to help with sleep but rarely need it since the stroke.

We recently got a pound of leaf tobacco from a friend and the wife an I are both quitting when it's done in a couple weeks or so. Just in time for my b-day. :)

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Good luck to both of yall & happy early bday!

I started smoking weed at age 13 (1974). Stopped from 16 to 18. Stopped for two months of bootcamp in 1980. Then stopped for 12 years (2004-2016) while my wife was being rich and famous. I do have some lung issues. I cough up shit every morning. I was vaping some, but it did hurt me more than smoking flowers, so I've stopped for now.

I did smoke good cigars for a few years. I stopped them when I stopped weed in 2004. They hurt me far more than pot.

I don't think my crazy is weed related.
Lion's mane, THC, CBDA, lithium, and caffeine are all neuroprotective in the right doses. You should also be taking an omega 3 supplement.

I'd also throw in some ginseng for sure, and maybe some reishi, holy basil, cordyceps, or other adaptogens if you are so inclined.

NAC or N-acetyl cysteine is another good supplement to be taking daily. It is a glutathione precursor, and can thus help with detoxification.

... Has anyone here been smoking for more than 20 years? ...
Late to this one but yes, nightly since 1999. It all started with one pipe per night.

And that soon became two pipes per night which soon became 1 single wide joint per night which progressed to 2 to 3 single wide joints per night which became 2 to 3 of the 1 1/4 joints per night. Now a normal night is 2 to 3 of the 1 1/4 RAW cones.

Ooh look ... KING cones! :weed:
... Has it affected your health at all? Like your lungs or your brain? ...
Lungs? Nope. A good morning clearing is all I do. Nothing after that.

Brain? Nope - although my wife's viewpoint might differ ...
Late to this one but yes, nightly since 1999. It all started with one pipe per night.

And that soon became two pipes per night which soon became 1 single wide joint per night which progressed to 2 to 3 single wide joints per night which became 2 to 3 of the 1 1/4 joints per night. Now a normal night is 2 to 3 of the 1 1/4 RAW cones.

Ooh look ... KING cones! :weed:

Lungs? Nope. A good morning clearing is all I do. Nothing after that.

Brain? Nope - although my wife's viewpoint might differ ...

Thanks for sharing. Does your wife smoke sometimes?
29 years of smoking, beginning with cigarets, still have that habit, cannabis about 25 years, body and mind most likely influenced in some ways, yes I think so...
This December will be the 20th anniversary of sneaking out to smoke weed the first time (dads
tool shed, highschool Christmas break). Luckily, I never smoked cigs, so I don’t think it hampered me as much as it has some others. I also stay active doing yard work, chasing kids around, riding my bike, and cooking well. There are plenty of other factors that have contributed to things like brain fog, and exhaustion, so I can’t blame the weed for everything. The only thing I’ve really ever noticed from weed was making me more tired in the mornings, and possibly lessening my cardiovascular endurance. I get winded more easily, and cant really run for distance, but as I’m approaching 40 it’s not a big hindrance in daily life. The benefits I get from smoking it are enough to keep doing it - stress/anxiety relief, sleep aid, pain relief, cramp relief (I have severe IBS), and helps me eat when I feel sick and can’t. Its also helpful for that massive pain in the ass caused by life.
Smoked 3 packs a day for 30 years. I quit when they had me in the hospital. No problems.

Got on SKOAL and Jack. Started coughing up pieces of my Esphogus (sp) not good.
I have smoked since the mid 70s, only breaks were when the whole area was dry and when I didn’t have a connection after moving for a job. I have had recently catscans and a mri and my lungs are totally clear. Cannabis isn’t a problem except when the smoke is an irritant