Any opinions?


Hi all. Great site. I have learned a lot in the past months just
by reading existing posts.

I have been growing one plant for about 5 months and this is my first
grow. I pretty much MacGyver'ed it the whole way with things I had around
the house, including the lights.

I topped the plant too early and it has grown into a bush!!
Regardless, I have made it to the flowering stage and have been in it for about
3-4 weeks.

The buds are not very large, but are starting to change color. Do I
need to wait for them to turn completely red/green before harvesting?

I have also read that it is best to slow down the watering and not to
fertilize 2-3 weeks before harvest.

Am I almost there? 2-3 weeks or another 1-2 months? Should I keep plugging along with the water and food? I also a little concerned about the "Claw Leaves" I am
seeing. I am worried about overwatering so I am keeping my eye on moisture levels pretty closely. Could it be a lack of Phosphorus?

Also any other tips or input would be appreciated. My wife and I
started this as a goof cuz we were tired of buying it all the time. I
honestly never thought I would get this far.



Active Member
looking really good so far, and like NoB said at least another month to go, usually the leaves will start to yellow near the end of flowering (usually not always)
and 2-3 weeks before harvest you should stop using nutes and start flushing it out, then just go with water (or water with molasses <---- epic IMO)