Any outdoor growers having issues with bud worms?


Well-Known Member
I have just a few, smaller plants flowering...and found a bud worm in one of my buds the other day. i waited til the next morning to spary with Monterey Insect spray. came back later to find one dead worm and one worm still alive, but outside of the flower. so far, the spray is working...but man, seemingly out of nowhere did they come. I hate bud worms....had to cut off some nice looking flower due to the bud rot.
Most of the comments I see say use Bacillus thuringiensis and yes I see that Monterey does have a product with that. Seems like it would be pretty safe since a natural occuring bacteria. No experience with it though.
Most of the comments I see say use Bacillus thuringiensis and yes I see that Monterey does have a product with that. Seems like it would be pretty safe since a natural occuring bacteria. No experience with it though.
mine says it contains Spinosad. is that the same thing?
I used 2 treatments before I put my greenhouse up. Still lost a couple branches. I also use a bug zapper light about 25' from my grow. And net and kill moths in my yard all year. The real problem was citrus mealy bugs and PM here this year.
I used 2 treatments before I put my greenhouse up. Still lost a couple branches. I also use a bug zapper light about 25' from my grow. And net and kill moths in my yard all year. The real problem was citrus mealy bugs and PM here this year. next grow will be indoors, but i will def get a bug zapper next outdoor growing season.
I've been using Monterey BT for prevention, I've seen many caterpillars under the pots in the vegy garden so decided to not take any chances.
Prevention is the best cure. I believe the bird feeder 10' away and 5' off the ground is a huge preventitive as well. Nature has some very efficient means of population control. I actualy have hummingbirds eating gnats and similarly sized insects in my plants. Blew my mind. Always looking for natural solutions here.
Prevention is the best cure. I believe the bird feeder 10' away and 5' off the ground is a huge preventitive as well. Nature has some very efficient means of population control. I actualy have hummingbirds eating gnats and similarly sized insects in my plants. Blew my mind. Always looking for natural solutions here.
yeah...that sounds cool. i got into this just trying to casually grow some herb. few months later, and i have built a tent and my own QBs and find myself learning a lot about gardening in general. Its awesome how nature works
yeah...that sounds cool. i got into this just trying to casually grow some herb. few months later, and i have built a tent and my own QBs and find myself learning a lot about gardening in general. Its awesome how nature works
Grow more plants in general. The world needs it.
mine says it contains Spinosad. is that the same thing?
No its not the same but still works and is safe.

Spinosad is a insecticidal soap safe for humans and plants. Not safe for bugs, worms, and catapillars.

Works well. Does kill some stuff on contact others need to eat a bit to get the effect.

Note it is not bee safe.
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