Any roofing people on here. I need roof repairs done


Well-Known Member
So here is a pic of my roof look at the shingles. What is going on and do I need to hire roofing professionals or can I have my friend go up there that has done roofing stuff before for a few years and fix it. What do I need to do so the shingles lay back down? Do you just use more roofing nails or glue, etc??


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I am not a roofer but looks to me like water getting in around the chimney. You should go up to the attic and check for water damage. Look at the plywood and see if it still looks good. I would have a couple of different roofing contractors give you an estimate. If left unchecked, it will be more damage and work in the end.

When I did my roof i found 3 layers of shingles so we had to rip them off. Also found the plywood was going bad, so a new layer of plywood, tar paper, snow and ice shield, then the new shingles.
i don’t think yours is that bad but get it fixed soon. May be as easy as some roofing tar around the chimney and on some of the shingles that are lifted.
Looks to me like improper nailing- nails are popping and pushing the shingles up.
Also looks like a poorly done job- the drip lines should all line up on a 3 tab shingle roof
All that needs to be removed from the chimney all the way down to the edge. Every single roofer will tell you that. The honest ones may only do that area if the rest of the roof is in good shape.

I bet the whole area around and downwards from the chimney is bad. Not just that side in the pic.
It kind of looks like a patch job to me. If not, nothing i would call a roofer about. Ice damage woulda wiped those gutters out and and ceilings would more than likelybe damaged inside. Have your buddy go up there with a caulking gun and LEXEL and squirt a dab in each corner of each shingle and press down til it sticks. Or, do nothing, wait for a hot , sunny day and take a look. They may lay flat on their own. Could have been wind getting under them during a storm. It's a non issue imo

And no, dont drive any roofing nails thru those. Lol. You'll have an even bigger problem.
Holy crap. He's that guy too? What other usernames does he use?

So many that you wouldn't believe it, he's got over a dozen active at any given time. Not too hard to spot if you've been around a while. He just uses them to pop in with a purposely lame anecdote, or a question that any serious person would use google for instead of asking a bunch of stoners. He can't really relate to others in a normal way, so he seems content to just watch them react to his antics. Kinda sad, really, but also amusing if you don't care. It's amusing to me, because I don't care...
Wind damage. First hot day and they will lay back down. Or if the wind blows just right you’ll have no choice but to hire someone if repairs are not something you can do yourself.
There’s already been repairs made to that area , so it is possible those are not nailed down very well or possibly some water damage to the decking or if the decking is expanding and contracting differently than the surrounding decking then that might make the shingles loose . Either it is leaking or it ain’t, fix it or say f’ it until they fall off .
Wind damage. First hot day and they will lay back down. Or if the wind blows just right you’ll have no choice but to hire someone if repairs are not something you can do yourself.
There’s already been repairs made to that area , so it is possible those are not nailed down very well or possibly some water damage to the decking or if the decking is expanding and contracting differently than the surrounding decking then that might make the shingles loose . Either it is leaking or it ain’t, fix it or say f’ it until they fall off .

That's funny that you say that, bc I don't remember them looking like that so you are most likely right.... So if they lay back down when its hot do I just let them be or as @natureboygrower said go up there with lexel and squirt some in each corner of each shingle??

Either of you guys roofers just wondering?
BTW I've been at my house for almost 10 years now and the home inspector said the roof was 20+ years old back then and it has 2 layers on it. So according to him the roof is over 30 years old now and it has held up good.... I know if you get a good roofer a roof can last a long time, if you get a shit roofer less than 10 years.
Wind damage. First hot day and they will lay back down. Or if the wind blows just right you’ll have no choice but to hire someone if repairs are not something you can do yourself.
There’s already been repairs made to that area , so it is possible those are not nailed down very well or possibly some water damage to the decking or if the decking is expanding and contracting differently than the surrounding decking then that might make the shingles loose . Either it is leaking or it ain’t, fix it or say f’ it until they fall off .

Is it easier to fix the shingles with the lexel caulk stuff now when they are up or fix them when its hot and they lay back down? I mean will my buddy have to stand their with the lexel caulk and push everyone down, wouldn't it be easier just to wait for them to lay flay if they do then do the caulk??
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So many that you wouldn't believe it, he's got over a dozen active at any given time. Not too hard to spot if you've been around a while. He just uses them to pop in with a purposely lame anecdote, or a question that any serious person would use google for instead of asking a bunch of stoners. He can't really relate to others in a normal way, so he seems content to just watch them react to his antics. Kinda sad, really, but also amusing if you don't care. It's amusing to me, because I don't care...
Nope, none of these guys are Mainliner. You can always PM me and I'll look into it for you. Best of all if one turned out to be I can handle it directly. Otherwise some people post stuff other people don't find interesting, vive la difference.
BTW I've been at my house for almost 10 years now and the home inspector said the roof was 20+ years old back then and it has 2 layers on it. So according to him the roof is over 30 years old now and it has held up good.... I know if you get a good roofer a roof can last a long time, if you get a shit roofer less than 10 years.
You got what is/was called a 3-Tab, 20 Year shingle. Those old shingles were only supposed to last 20yrs but that also depends on the abuse from the climate you’re in. Some places that shingle might only last 18yrs some might get 30. There’s usually one side of the roof that starts failing first. The side that gets the most weather.
Easy for me to say but i’d look at getting a new roof.