any suggestions on how to even my canopy?

I curently just keep cuting up 2x4 and stacking under pots to get desired even hight throuout stages of flowering planst , its geting to be a lot of wood is the somthing easeier i can do.


Well-Known Member

I use my 3 gallon Veg. pots .. tho have also used books .. will soon make the "great" investment and buy two hangers that is adjustable .. mouch more easy to move the light .. and then just use a book or two to even it out if one plant is lower then the rest ..


Well-Known Member
Also on your pic tht one in lower rt has a leaf tht curls under and points down?Got the same on a plant just like yours only a couple of leaves.......



Well-Known Member
if you mean the one close to the right ?

its a seed from my previous run (Violator Kush) other 3 is LSD .. why the little different looks ..

also .. was the last I repotted in to my flowering pots .. and when I got to it I was almost out of my soil mix .. so I used maybe 50% coco/50% soil .. so had a few issues with under watering/PH and to little nitrogen as I water/feed it like the others fist two weeks of 12/12

looks ok now as I gave it a good feed with some micro from GH (5-0-1) tho still a littel pale green and lost a few lower leaves do to it

I guess the curling leaves you see is mostly do to under watering/PH ? atlest it look good now and is the biggest/fastest growing of them all .. with most tops ..


Well-Known Member
Ooh yea forgot .. also gave it a good top dressing of lime (maerl that is .. Oceanic Lime) to help it adjust the PH ..


Well-Known Member
The 2 fans leaves on bottom plant on the Right look like Claws,rest of plant looks fine,Weird as i have the damn samething usually on new growth leaves,But also mines in A RDWC.



Well-Known Member
hmmm yea well dunno .. rest of my plant also look fine .. think its a PH issue .. tho clawing leaves in flowering normaly means Nitrogen toxic but mine even shown signs of def.