any vaporizer users here that can


Well-Known Member
Gday all, my throat cant take it anymore and is complaining. I know this is prolly the wrong place but close you know grow and smoke. Anyway are there any vaporizer users out there that can suggest a vaporizer to buy or to stayaway from either or both if you have knowledge to offer would be appreciated. I think im ready to experience the vapors. I thank You my brother OUT


Well-Known Member
I don't have any practical knowledge about vaporizers. Try this, tho: Go to the "Toke N Talk" section. In the search field type in "vaporizer". There's a bunch of threads discussing vaporizers that will probably have an answer or that you can try posting this question in. Hope your throat feels better.


Well-Known Member
Dunno many vaps but i know the bc vaporizer is god but i'm not sure if its availavle everywhere. I wouldn't recommend a vap tho, just stop smoking harsh pipes and bongs. Put water or ice cubes in your bong and if you decide to smoke bongs or pipes ***USE GLASS!!***
Or just smoke some nice doobies


Active Member
I've tried out a few different vaporizers, I had owned a vapor brothers and a volcano, as well as a vapir.. I love the volcano. For quite a long time I cringed at the thought of smoking out of anything besides my volcano, the taste is just amazing with pretty much any quality buds and especially with the stickiest of the ickiest and imo it completely changes the high obtained compared to burning the herb. Lately though, i have been all about waterpipes. I love my roor and like taking one hit rips which for some reason have left my cano sitting unused lately... the cano does have one hefty price tag which is a drawback, but with the price comes great quality, mines worked like a champ for years. it is also leaves you with plenty of duff that can be used for butter :)

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
I can tell you've been smoking for a long time now because I was at the same crossroads a few years back.

At one point I seriously felt the law of diminishing returns after every time I smoked. I would look at my bong and just imagine how my lungs must have looked like.

I work in emergency medicine and I see patients coming in all the time with complications with COPD, (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). As much as I believe smoking gets you high, I feel the same in that smoking will increase your chances of developing one of the few terminal pulmonary conditions.

I dont want to be in my 70 or 80's slowly drowning in my own lung fluids, because thats what happens. It's the slowest most agonizing way to go in my opinion.

So I put down the pipe in the name of my health and picked up a vaporizer. It was one of the best investments I've made with marijuana. Not only does it seem get the most out of your weed; it is a lot cleaner than smoke. they have some great deals on vaporizers. Cant go wrong with a volcano...

Though I still enjoy an occasional blunt with the homies.



Well-Known Member
that is the one i have.. got it on ebay for cheaper than they have it on their site.. i enjoy it quite a bit. very nice taste from it too.. i think i paid around 180 shipped or something within the last 6 months. i wanted to get a volcano but really, 600+ for a vapo is a bit insane.. i also heard that the vapo i linked lets you taste the bud better too.. like i said, the flavor has been GREAT so far. i never smoked from a volcano before though either so i cannot honestly compare ones flavor to the other.
i still smoke the pipe or a joint here and there (nothing beats it lol).. probably use the vaporizer 50% of the time.. at least i am cutting my risk back :) i don't have lung issues though yet.. i quit smoking cigarettes about 6-9 months ago and my lungs feel better because of it.


Active Member
The extreme vape is awesome. I've had mine for almost a year and couldn't be more happy with it. Like the volcano you can use the bag's which work great, but you can also use the whip method. Either way work's great and is way better than smoking. Total different high plus your herb last's a hell of a lot longer


Well-Known Member
Just don't buy a cheapy vaporizer, you'll end up buying a better one anyway. Speaking from experience here...:roll:


Well-Known Member
Yeah thanks for all the input I feel so good going to start dishing out reps i have been puffing since 1965 the tenth grade been a long time and its true Id hate to see my lungs and i to gave up cigs about 15 years ago maybe some of you young guys should be paying attention instead of waiting until you are old men like me because like me you will be puffing until then face it peace my brother im out.

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member

Yeah good point by Feroce, make sure you dont just get any vaporizer. I would reccomend at least digital one with a handsfree glass piece to start out with ~ $130... Can't wait to get a volcano or something simular to it.

To be honest it's not as fun as passing a blunt around a cirlce of good friends, but it gets the job done well. You'll be glad you did it once you feel the vice lossening up on your lungs.

The better we treat our bodies today the better we'll feel tomorrow... and there is nothing wrong with changing the way you use marijuana.