Any1 know where to get a cheap CO2 system?


Well-Known Member
Hey, RIUers! I got 4 ladies vegging under a 430 Son Agro, and I'm now thinking about an active CO2 system, before I start flowering.

This is the cheapest one I can find... ActiveAir CO2

Any1 know where to get one cheaper?

trichlone fiend

New Member experience I just went through, you can learn from.

I bought a greenair burner, and monitor for an air-tight room 8x7x7, right. I hook it up, the burner comes on, ppm gets to 1600 then shuts off. ( the piolet light stays on) Mine has a light sensor on it shuts down when the lights are off (plants don't absorb co2 while they sleep, they make their own then)....anyhow....when the lights came back on, my ppm was like 2000 ppm!!!!!! The damn piolet light got it that high! Now, I'm not even running my burner....and my ppm is always 2000 ppm. I made sure my monitor wasn't faulty by taking it outside to get a 400 - 500 ppm reading. I thought damn, should I have just bought a candle??? WTF????

...if done over again, I wouldn't have got a co2 burner, but the monitior is essential. Improvise for co2 production, or get a co2 tank and regulator. Good luck.


Well-Known Member experience I just went through, you can learn from.

I bought a greenair burner, and monitor for an air-tight room 8x7x7, right. I hook it up, the burner comes on, ppm gets to 1600 then shuts off. ( the piolet light stays on) Mine has a light sensor on it shuts down when the lights are off (plants don't absorb co2 while they sleep, they make their own then)....anyhow....when the lights came back on, my ppm was like 2000 ppm!!!!!! The damn piolet light got it that high! Now, I'm not even running my burner....and my ppm is always 2000 ppm. I made sure my monitor wasn't faulty by taking it outside to get a 400 - 500 ppm reading. I thought damn, should I have just bought a candle??? WTF????

...if done over again, I wouldn't have got a co2 burner, but the monitior is essential. Improvise for co2 production, or get a co2 tank and regulator. Good luck.
2000 parts-per-million!!!! Whao! That's badass. i got alot of air moving in my room, and I'm afraid I would have to turn my vents off for too long to use your method. Interesting tho!

I need more of a conventional method. One that I can turn my vent fans off, and it on... Ya' know?

trichlone fiend

New Member should either make your room air tight and then use CO2, or go strictly "fresh air in, fresh air out"'d only waste your time/$$ if you enrich a room with co2 that isn't airtight. You'll not get the benefit of co2 unless it is around 1500 ppm during ALL "light on" hours. IMO.


Well-Known Member should either make your room air tight and then use CO2, or go strictly "fresh air in, fresh air out"'d only waste your time/$$ if you enrich a room with co2 that isn't airtight. You'll not get the benefit of co2 unless it is around 1500 ppm during ALL "light on" hours. IMO.
You misunderstood me... I plan to set timers to turn my exhaust vents off, when the new CO2 tank turns on...

What I was wondering is.........
Does any1 know where to get one of these for cheaper than what I found this one for?
Too Expensive...

Build a big arse rabbit hutch in your grow room. CO2 and fertilizer.
I already bought my CO2 tank. I know the method I'm using. I just need to find a cheaper attachment. I just looked at all the places I know... This is the cheapest I can find. Really dont want to buy a used one.

I plan to flip my photoperiod within the next few weeks. I really need to get this thing bought before that happens. i want to give them CO2 through their entire flowering cycle. Hopefully I can find a cheaper version of this ActiveAir system... experience I just went through, you can learn from.

I bought a greenair burner, and monitor for an air-tight room 8x7x7, right. I hook it up, the burner comes on, ppm gets to 1600 then shuts off. ( the piolet light stays on) Mine has a light sensor on it shuts down when the lights are off (plants don't absorb co2 while they sleep, they make their own then)....anyhow....when the lights came back on, my ppm was like 2000 ppm!!!!!! The damn piolet light got it that high! Now, I'm not even running my burner....and my ppm is always 2000 ppm. I made sure my monitor wasn't faulty by taking it outside to get a 400 - 500 ppm reading. I thought damn, should I have just bought a candle??? WTF????

...if done over again, I wouldn't have got a co2 burner, but the monitior is essential. Improvise for co2 production, or get a co2 tank and regulator. Good luck.
not trying to move away for the thread but i looked this up after you said something about burning candles for co2
:O Haha, I was searching for the cheapest one of these, I think
I'm going to adopt buying this product from you. Do you know how many
CO2 tanks this thing will use up per month?