Anybody care about Mayweather v. Canelo?


Well-Known Member
Just curious if anyone here gives two craps about this fight.

I'll admit I'm not the biggest boxing fan around. I've been following Canelo for a bit and like the guy, he's a good boxer. That said, I don't think he's ready for Floyd Mayweather...which was smart of Mayweather, fight him now while he's still developing as a fighter.

So anywho...any thoughts on this one?
I could care less, cept my friend said he'd get some drinks and smoke, so I care about that more than the fight, I actually just found out about it like, 2 hours ago
Canelo will take mayweathers belt tonight so yea i care! Its like the best fight of the last two years dont u want to see mayweather lose??
I couldn't give 2 shits about the fight. I also question the sexuality of the macho men who watch those idiotic events.
lol, dare i say, i feel the same exact way about football, and it's fans.. :D

Nothing more pathetic than middle aged men going to the bar wearing the jersey of their favorite player drunkenly cheering while a bunch of semi concussed imbeciles try to run a ball across a field without getting assaulted by another man.
Canelo will take mayweathers belt tonight so yea i care! Its like the best fight of the last two years dont u want to see mayweather lose??

Sure I'd like to see him lose, I just don't think it'll happen tonight. You never know, but I just don't feel like Canelo is developed enough as a boxer to pull it off.
I was wrong canelo sucked ass o well ! @ god Its not about being macho its a sport and i enjoy watching sports! It takes a shitload of skill and mental preparation and discipline to compete at the highest level that is something i cant disrespect! I dont care if your growing roses if u do it the best i got respect for it!
Yeah man, Mayweather is just that good. Canelo is still a good boxer, and I expect we'll see him do very well from here, but Floyd's talent is on another level all together.