Anybody every had to do a HAIR follicle DrUg ScReEn?!?


Active Member
What's good everybody...

I'm just going to dive right in... I was recently presented a job opportunity.. I knew there would be a pre-employment drug screen (I had EVERYthing together for a urine test), but I found out last minute that it would be a hair follicle test . I've been waiting on the results for 7 business days now. I smoke atleast once a day.. If I'm off may
2-3 times a day. I'm lanky... 5'11"... 140 lbs. The game changer is that I have dreads past my shoulders.

I took the test on last Monday.. I didn’t find out it was going to be a hair test until the Thursday prior. Found out about the Macujo method and that night I went to pick up most of the items. Went to the smoke shop and they recommended folli-kleen to use the day of the test. I didn't follow the *exact steps for the Macujo cause of my current job schedule and I didn't have all of the items of course, but I did the best that I could do. I'm in real good at my current job, this was just a random opportunity that I couldn't turn down. It could be life changing, so I figured wth...

Friday I used a pre-shampoo detox conditioner and let it sit for 20 min or so.. washed with a shea/acv shampoo. Then I used the vinegar with clean and clear and let it sit for 35ish minutes. Washed it out with the shampoo twice.

Saturday I soaked and massaged my hair down to the roots with the vinegar. I let it sit for about 30 min while I made a baking soda and vinegar paste and massaged it down to the roots... let it soak for another 20-25 mins.. rinsed it clean and washed with the shea shampoo. Later that evening I did another ACV soak/wash/soak.

Sunday I had to work so when I got off I only did another vinegar/clean & clear session... and washed it twice.

The day of I did the vinegar by itself for exactly 30 min. added the clean & clear for another 30 min. Rinsed it clean... washed with a small amount of Tide detergent... rinsed it ALL out... The Folli-Kleen directions said to use the regular shampoo first, so I washed it 2 more times with the shea/acv shampoo... then the folli-kleen session for 20-25 min... I went to take the test around an hour after that (when I finished everything it was around 8am... I got up early for this, I had to prep everything too).

Any SUCCESSFUL hair follicle testers out there ?!?! I just really hope this Folli-Kleen sh*t works... but like I said it was random, so I can't be mad if I don't get it. I just take it as a shot to my own foot...
Typically we tell people to shit in a cup. You're already done testing this does not pertain to your current situation.
I did not read your wall of a post but skimmed through. You're fucked! Lol.
Maybe. Seems you did what you could to clean your hair. I do know someone that had a hair test and passed using cleansing shampoo. Test showed minimal amounts. Said she was at a party where people were smoking.

Typically we tell people to shit in a cup. You're already done testing this does not pertain to your current situation.
I did not read your wall of a post but skimmed through. You're fucked! Lol.
Maybe. Seems you did what you could to clean your hair. I do know someone that had a hair test and passed using cleansing shampoo. Test showed minimal amounts. Said she was at a party where people were smoking.

More of concern: the positive test for alternating caps. That shouts unemployable.
What's good everybody...

I'm just going to dive right in... I was recently presented a job opportunity.. I knew there would be a pre-employment drug screen (I had EVERYthing together for a urine test), but I found out last minute that it would be a hair follicle test . I've been waiting on the results for 7 business days now. I smoke atleast once a day.. If I'm off may
2-3 times a day. I'm lanky... 5'11"... 140 lbs. The game changer is that I have dreads past my shoulders.

I took the test on last Monday.. I didn’t find out it was going to be a hair test until the Thursday prior. Found out about the Macujo method and that night I went to pick up most of the items. Went to the smoke shop and they recommended folli-kleen to use the day of the test. I didn't follow the *exact steps for the Macujo cause of my current job schedule and I didn't have all of the items of course, but I did the best that I could do. I'm in real good at my current job, this was just a random opportunity that I couldn't turn down. It could be life changing, so I figured wth...

Friday I used a pre-shampoo detox conditioner and let it sit for 20 min or so.. washed with a shea/acv shampoo. Then I used the vinegar with clean and clear and let it sit for 35ish minutes. Washed it out with the shampoo twice.

Saturday I soaked and massaged my hair down to the roots with the vinegar. I let it sit for about 30 min while I made a baking soda and vinegar paste and massaged it down to the roots... let it soak for another 20-25 mins.. rinsed it clean and washed with the shea shampoo. Later that evening I did another ACV soak/wash/soak.

Sunday I had to work so when I got off I only did another vinegar/clean & clear session... and washed it twice.

The day of I did the vinegar by itself for exactly 30 min. added the clean & clear for another 30 min. Rinsed it clean... washed with a small amount of Tide detergent... rinsed it ALL out... The Folli-Kleen directions said to use the regular shampoo first, so I washed it 2 more times with the shea/acv shampoo... then the folli-kleen session for 20-25 min... I went to take the test around an hour after that (when I finished everything it was around 8am... I got up early for this, I had to prep everything too).

Any SUCCESSFUL hair follicle testers out there ?!?! I just really hope this Folli-Kleen sh*t works... but like I said it was random, so I can't be mad if I don't get it. I just take it as a shot to my own foot...
Is it an aerospace job? Last employer did this to new hires, thankfully I ended up only doing a ua because of some contractor loophole deal. Seems like there's little to no hope but PLEASE let me know how it goes. I may need your advice on the future lol.
Brazilian wax job your whole body, then glue a real wig on your head. Only solution I see.

Merkin for the win.
Jennifer beals GIF - Find on GIFER
Is it an aerospace job? Last employer did this to new hires, thankfully I ended up only doing a ua because of some contractor loophole deal. Seems like there's little to no hope but PLEASE let me know how it goes. I may need your advice on the future lol.

It's an aviation job... I've been contacted twice since and they're still "waiting" on results... yesterday she asked me to send over the paper the testing site gave me to speed up the process...
Had a drug test coming up. Was ready for the piss test. Looked at the paper the morning of...said hair test. Called the jon recruiter and chewed him out. Weed is legal in IL I'm all that is fucking dumb.

They agreed to not test for marijuana...nice.

2 weeks later the ass HR manager gets back from holiday...finds out her minions agreed to this and demands a same day urin test. Luckily I had a piss kit on hand cause I had started up again.

Fuck hair tests and the jobs that require them.
It's an aviation job... I've been contacted twice since and they're still "waiting" on results... yesterday she asked me to send over the paper the testing site gave me to speed up the process...
Oh man that's rough! Good luck! I wish I knew how to help you more, please let me know how it turns out.