anybody seen leaves like this before


Well-Known Member
i saw this on a plant once a few years ago, i know its not a problem or anything, the plant like it before finished just as good as the others, now ive just noticed one of my cheese`s has the same thing, and was wondering if anybody else has seen it or has any explanations? notice the extra leaf blades?



Well-Known Member
started growing leaves like that 9th node up, all leaves below normal. and only the fan leaves


Well-Known Member
i have had this but its usually pointed off the back of the leaf in the opposite direction yours are pointing. But ya i have gotten the strange extra leaves.


Well-Known Member
ffs i only took the pic yesterday! the date my digital cam took it is on the pic! what exactly are you trying to imply?


Well-Known Member
I'm implying that I've seen pix of a fake plant just like that. Now take pix of the complete plant and a couple more clear closeups and we'll see. Till then, I say you are full of it!


Well-Known Member
I'm implying that I've seen pix of a fake plant just like that. Now take pix of the complete plant and a couple more clear closeups and we'll see. Till then, I say you are full of it!
you are such a spanner, the pics were clear close ups, but just for you heres a few more, up close, blurred, from above, in light, in low light. happy now? prick


Well-Known Member
Pretty common just a healthy plant
cheers man, you ever seen it before? im not at all concerned about it, the way i see it is if each leaf has more blades that leaf can photosynthesise more than a normal leaf, just thought id share.


Well-Known Member
cheers man, you ever seen it before? im not at all concerned about it, the way i see it is if each leaf has more blades that leaf can photosynthesise more than a normal leaf, just thought id share.
Yeah I have seen it a lot, I guess its just genetic some plants develop fanleaves like that