Anyone? Bio clean aqua 49% h2o2...

a bottle of 3% costs .79 at walmart, by the time they get it to 100%, I wonder what the markup will be?
Probably works but I wouldn't want to work with that high concentrations. I personally never understood the reasoning for using H2O2 instead of bleach as preventative and cleaning agent.

More work and cost for the same result in my book.
Your right afaik you can't buy it anymore concentrated without a license, I can't even find it in 35% my stuff is 17.5%
However the moons have aligned and a gallon has landed with me lol
the 35 doesn't have additives though, correct?
Probably works but I wouldn't want to work with that high concentrations. I personally never understood the reasoning for using H2O2 instead of bleach as preventative and cleaning agent.

More work and cost for the same result in my book.
It's oxygen based, it's great for plants, seeds, clones and sterilization I wouldn't be without it.
It's oxygen based, it's great for plants, seeds, clones and sterilization I wouldn't be without it.
Whatever works and floats your boat is the best approach. It's just easier to overdo it with H2O2 than regular bleach. I've used bleach safely when sprouting seeds, it also helps to combat "damp/wilt of". H2O2 is a much stronger oxidizer than bleach with short to no residual effect.

I laugh a little bit inside everytime I read a comment about someone "evaporating" or removing chlorine from tap water. I add it from start to finish, lol. Cheers!
Whatever works and floats your boat is the best approach. It's just easier to overdo it with H2O2 than regular bleach. I've used bleach safely when sprouting seeds, it also helps to combat "damp/wilt of". H2O2 is a much stronger oxidizer than bleach with short to no residual effect.

I laugh a little bit inside everytime I read a comment about someone "evaporating" or removing chlorine from tap water. I add it from start to finish, lol. Cheers!
I'm spoiled lol... I got a bucket of chlorine tablets the last time the moons were aligned.

A lot of people are unaware that plants use chlorine for photosynthesis.