Anyone else get hives when messing around with their plants?


Well-Known Member
I’m not sure if I have an allergy or effected by something spayed on plant or something in the plant. I notice Hives and itching especially when I am messing around with the plant itself. I have been smoking weed for a long time and I honestly only Vape my weed nowadays but when I smoke heavily on some days I’ll sometimes get a slight reaction like bump on my lip or a few hives, or congestion/tightness. However if I just use my dry herb vape I have no issues and can vape weed all day long. But whenever I go to water my plants or have 10 blunts in a few hours I’ll break out in a few bad hives/burning/itching that will go away in a few minutes to hours. Sometimes I’ll even get a few like 5 tiny hive bumps when I touch weed other times I don’t have any reactions I’m just curious if anyone else has these problems
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With that settled would you like to talk about the mating cycle of turtles?

Every god damn day for the past 8 months. I'm looking at you haze >:(

But you good, baby. Keep being a bitch, you smell great.
I just find it strange because if I was actually allergic I would’ve been dead by now from using weed every day I’m assuming it must be an intolerance to something on the plant or some thing like nutrients that haven’t been properly drained out before curing
I just find it strange because if I was actually allergic I would’ve been dead by now from using weed every day I’m assuming it must be an intolerance to something on the plant or some thing like nutrients that haven’t been properly drained out before curing

I used to get weird red itchy patches working with Purple Punch crosses but now I don't. Smoking it, eating it I'm fine. Do you get any allergic reaction to actual grass? It's not going to be related to nutrients/fertilizer it's probably a reaction to chlorophyll or maybe as blueberry stated, terpene oils.
Yea I have developed an allergy over the years. Working on plants I will have itchy bumps they will break out. When trimming I sneeze like crazy and get itchy red eyes unless I take a Claritin before I start. What a kick in the pants. I love growing, it’s my favorite hobby and I’m allergic to it.
The leaves do feel a bit like sticky sandpaper when your hands pass through.. just that repeated friction can easily cause a skin reaction. My hands sting a little after watering, so im gonna start wearing gloves.