Anyone ever see this?? 2 plants from 1 seed


Well-Known Member
I noticed when I germinated this dinafem original amnesia see that there were 2 taproots. Now it looks as it there is 2 plants growing from this seed, is this a rare occurrence?



Well-Known Member
I'd say I've seen it about once out of every 250 seeds I've's more common than one might think. I'd separate them out and grow each of them. Generally, they'll be fine but occasionally, one of them will be a runt (look at the above pic). Not a big deal really.....


Well-Known Member
Is it necessary for them to be separated? Would they survive and grow if I left them alone? If not how soon should I try to pull them apart?


Well-Known Member
Is it necessary for them to be separated? Would they survive and grow if I left them alone? If not how soon should I try to pull them apart?
it might.. it might also get root bound.. I'd wager your pretty safe I have planted 2-3 in a single container and it grew fine..


Well-Known Member
How would you go about separating them as I would imagine thier roots are intertwined.

You can easily separate them if you get them early after sprouting and see them. If not, just cut down the shorter/weaker/slower grower- your choice- and the leftover root just shrivels up to nothing. I use the paper towel method when sprouting and they are easily caught early on. If you sprout in the medium and two come up, gently tug on 1 and it may come out to be replanting elsewhere.