Anyone Ever seen this much hair?

lsd, 4 weeks in, 8 of them only one has gone like this. all are clone... really strange...

no stress at all.
heat sat at 27c lights on 18c lights off.

flood and drain system.

no nut burn..


Well-Known Member
week four into flower....

Anyone Ever seen this much hair?
Only between my girlfriend's legs-ZING!

You def got some burn going on, and IME over fert and heat can cause foxtails and 'hairy' girls.

27c = 80 degrees, not too hot as long as you have good air exchange and circulation. Judging from the pics it looks like you need to cut back on your feed-even if over fert isn't causing the abundance of hair it's burning your leafs and stressing your plants.


Well-Known Member
check your timers and make sure your lights are actually going on and off when you think they are. I'm seeing some rounded single blade looking leafs- that's usually a sign of a re-veg or light stress :/
just finsihed week 5

checked timmer, all ok.

flood & drain
ph stable at 5.9
canna aqua flors
monster bloom
just done a pk 13/14 for one week
gonna start bud xl this week till the end

ppm at 1.2 @ week 1
ppm at 1.4 @ week 2
ppm at 1.6 @ week 3
ppm at 1.8 @ week 4
ppm at 1.8 @ week 5