Anyone ever work with fresh frozen??


Well-Known Member
Good late night fellow Hash makers :bigjoint: had seemed to stumble across water hash on my first trip to colorado and man is it some quality smoke. I heard the first process is using fresh frozen to collect "live trichomes" which makes alot of sense. Anyone willing to share their experiences and ways of extracting from FF?? Would dry ice sifting be possible? Any advice is helpful :peace::leaf: - OVBZ
Good late night fellow Hash makers :bigjoint: had seemed to stumble across water hash on my first trip to colorado and man is it some quality smoke. I heard the first process is using fresh frozen to collect "live trichomes" which makes alot of sense. Anyone willing to share their experiences and ways of extracting from FF?? Would dry ice sifting be possible? Any advice is helpful :peace::leaf: - OVBZ
the problem with dry ice sifting is it breaks alot of plant matter off into your end product.
you will want to get a set of bubble bags, i use 220, 190,160,45,25. I combine everything from 160-45 and press into full spectrum hash rosin. If you can use a freeze dryer it will definitely make the drying process easy. if you dont have access to a freeze dryer, ive seen @Solagrowa mention he just sets his wet bubble hash in the fridge for a few days and its ready to press.

Completely throw the idea of dry ice sifting out the window, thats not gonna produce the quality you want.

You could also dry and cure your material and then dry sift it, which is definitely the fastest way to produce hash rosin in my opinion.
I use a 3 screen set, 200,110,80 LPI. I press everything left on the 200lpi screen seperate and thats the quality hash. the 110lpi can also produce decent quality.

Sorry for the long message,i just woke up and was in the zone hahahaha
Most freezers will dry and cure your buds the same way these expensive freezers do through sublimation. Only difference it won’t do it in 24 hours but within a few months.

FF hash rosin is some pretty amazing stuff
Freeze my chicken right next to my weed :D

staple of my diet right there ahahah
i could never figure out how to get the quality i wanted using a regular freezer. only downfall for the freeze dryer was the price and the noise is kinda annoying
Yes, I worked with fresh frozen, and I perfected it. You know the "live resin" they sell in shops in legal states for high prices? Well from the pics I've seen it's sucky compared to the product I end up with by starting with fresh picked buds. Why do I say it looks sucky? Because it looks gooey or even runny, in other words it's a mess to deal with. When done properly, the end result is a solid, and not a "shatter" type solid, which also is not convenient to deal with because it splinters and flies all over the place, how is that convenient? No, the ultimate extract is solid but fudge type solid, not rock candy type solid. You can pick pieces off of it with your fingers and crush it up. Also, my product is washed with water, so all water soluble non-cannabinoids are washed out. Nobody else does that, thus, everybody else's extract has more impurities than mine, simple statement of fact, how could it not when it wasn't washed?

Now some might say "the precious terps, you might lose some by washing it". They're not water soluble anyway, all you're losing is water solubles, which are in no way helpful. Other extract makers just all copy each other so they never really developed any new methods or tried anything new since probably the 1980s, that's how primitive they are. Butane is not safe for anything used by humans, and CO2 pulls all kinds of extra crap out in addition to cannabinoids, and the finished product is really not very attractive.

This pic, which I posted earlier in a thread I made shows the ultimate extract. You can pinch a chunk off of that pancake and hit it up nice and conveniently. You would marvel at its lack of harshness, due to having a lot of extraneous crap washed out and the weed never having been dried. What is it called? Pancake Live Resin, or simply Pancake for short. Only the finest quality extract will form a pancake like that. That's how you know it's primo. Admittedly this pancake is a little oddly shaped, but it's possible to make a nice round one, I just wasn't trying that particular time. It might be possible to make something kind of similar with rosin but it wouldn't be this clean, you would probably hack your guts out.

Yes, I worked with fresh frozen, and I perfected it. You know the "live resin" they sell in shops in legal states for high prices? Well from the pics I've seen it's sucky compared to the product I end up with by starting with fresh picked buds. Why do I say it looks sucky? Because it looks gooey or even runny, in other words it's a mess to deal with. When done properly, the end result is a solid, and not a "shatter" type solid, which also is not convenient to deal with because it splinters and flies all over the place, how is that convenient? No, the ultimate extract is solid but fudge type solid, not rock candy type solid. You can pick pieces off of it with your fingers and crush it up. Also, my product is washed with water, so all water soluble non-cannabinoids are washed out. Nobody else does that, thus, everybody else's extract has more impurities than mine, simple statement of fact, how could it not when it wasn't washed?

Now some might say "the precious terps, you might lose some by washing it". They're not water soluble anyway, all you're losing is water solubles, which are in no way helpful. Other extract makers just all copy each other so they never really developed any new methods or tried anything new since probably the 1980s, that's how primitive they are. Butane is not safe for anything used by humans, and CO2 pulls all kinds of extra crap out in addition to cannabinoids, and the finished product is really not very attractive.

This pic, which I posted earlier in a thread I made shows the ultimate extract. You can pinch a chunk off of that pancake and hit it up nice and conveniently. You would marvel at its lack of harshness, due to having a lot of extraneous crap washed out and the weed never having been dried. What is it called? Pancake Live Resin, or simply Pancake for short. Only the finest quality extract will form a pancake like that. That's how you know it's primo. Admittedly this pancake is a little oddly shaped, but it's possible to make a nice round one, I just wasn't trying that particular time. It might be possible to make something kind of similar with rosin but it wouldn't be this clean, you would probably hack your guts out.

That looks FIRE wish i had me some solventless at this moment lol. Have you posted any tutorials on here ? Would like to take your method down since id like to try multiple ways once i get my harvest out the way
What makes it different from most is that I press fresh bud down into a "column" and then freeze the whole column overnight. The dripping is just pouring iso in until it drips out and pouring more when the dripping gets slow, until I have poured in a total of about 1500 mls for what would be half a pound of bud if dried. The "column" is a 1 gallon spring water/juice bottle without a handle, because the handle would be problematic, you want a nice smooth column, and with the bottom cut off to make a 1 gallon funnel, essentially. After the final pour I let it drip out in the freezer overnight because that's how long it takes for it all to come out. All of the dripping is done inside the freezer, I just take the whole rig out to pour the iso and put it back in the freezer to drip. The iso is also freezer temperature, after the bottles were in there overnight along with the loaded column, which is covered with plastic held on with an elastic.

The other part that's different is that instead of evaporating the alcohol I drop it out of water by adding about 4-5x as much deionized water as the alcohol containing the extract, plus a few spoons of sea salt and a pinch of citric acid, which reduces degradation and decomposes any THCA salts which may have formed, then let it sit in the fridge for 2 days in a covered glass container, actually the same one I dripped it out into, which was a 2 liter glass measuring cup. The column was suspend over it by making a hole in a flat cover from a polypropylene container I had, putting that over the measuring cup, and setting the jug end into it so the jug is standing up. I use 2 measuring cups to split up the alcohol/extract into equal halves, so I can add enough water.

A thin layer of resin forms on the top the water after the 2 days of sitting the fridge, so I gather it up with a spoon, and the rest is settled out onto the bottom and sides of the container. I put the container in the freezer to get the resin close to solid so I can pour off the water. I keep that pour-off and let it settle out for a few more days in another container to get the last bits of resin to settle out, but I process the main amount at that point. Then it's just a matter of washing the resin with deionized water by stirring it around under about an inch of said water with the spoon. I add the part I skimmed off the top so I can wash it too. After doing that with fresh water a few times the resin gets thicker and whiter.

Then I dry it by heating the container in the microwave until the resin just starts to bubble slightly and stirring the resin around with the spoon in front of some moving air from a fan. I do the heating/stirring a few times so it's nice and dried. I can tell it's done when it gets quite thick and white. It's kind of like making fudge, when you stir it around in the pot and it thickens up. Then I scrape it out onto parchment, gather it into one lump by cooling it and sticking the smaller blobs to the larger blobs and pulling the parchment off, like people do to gather up rosin. Then I sit the blob and parchment on a flat or slightly bowled plate to pancake out from gravity and then set up solid over 12-24 hours. Then I just peel the pancake off the parchment, after cooling it so it won't stick.

There you have it, the Pancake. Since I didn't leave it out in the air to evaporate, like everybody else does, it wasn't exposed to the air as much and dust didn't settle in it from the air. It also didn't stink the place up from the iso vapor. The water washed out all the residual iso along with the salt and citric acid and everything else water soluble that was in it. With butane, you can't wash it out because it doesn't mix with water. It might work by just evaporating. You could still wash it with clean water like I did, or not, if you don't mind some impurities. I don't know if it would form a pancake if you evaporate it, maybe. If it's already solidified you can microwave it on parchment until it melts and then stir it around until it starts to thicken up, then let it cool and solidify completely, I've done that before. You get a swirly effect from the stirring. If you don't stir it the edges stay gooey sometimes.
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First off, calm down there buddy, don't act like your a master hasher, your process doesn't even make sense. You mentioned "you wash in water and that's different than anyone else lol". Everyone that makes water hash does that.
Then you said "your using ISO In a frozen column to extract." This sounds like regular concentrates people used to make like 2010.

I know my Grammer sucks, but it's really annoying when people act like they do something better than anyone else.
First off, calm down there buddy, don't act like your a master hasher, your process doesn't even make sense. You mentioned "you wash in water and that's different than anyone else lol". Everyone that makes water hash does that.
Then you said "your using ISO In a frozen column to extract." This sounds like regular concentrates people used to make like 2010.

I know my Grammer sucks, but it's really annoying when people act like they do something better than anyone else.
He means "Washing" a chemistry term meaning using water in the process to remove something. Basically he adds water to his ISO so it can no longer hold the extract in liquid form, just like growing crystals.
I run an 11 bag kit, but after a couple times realized 11 bags is stupid. If you know your strain your really only need 4 bags. Depending on whether sativa or indica dominant this will dictate which micron bag is best.
I use dried and cured sugar leaf and popcorn bud. Toss into the freezer for a couple days and I'm good. I tried fresh frozen a few times and I preferred to dry and cure first.
This last batch I made I was in a huge hurry and didn't extract the highest quality I could. I had too much chlorophyll, so I made oil from it with everclear and made edibles.