Anyone grow for a full-time job?


Well-Known Member
Anyone here that grows for a full time job?

If so, how many plants do you grow and how many lights/watts?

And if it isnt too much to ask, what do you make in a year?


New Member
told tyhe wife to stay at home while i go work, she said errrr nor...... when i go to collage and get my degree you can grow full time and she will go work lmao, mint. hurry up and get ya degree i say lmao
But i intrested in this thread, so ill pop back


Well-Known Member
told tyhe wife to stay at home while i go work, she said errrr nor...... when i go to collage and get my degree you can grow full time and she will go work lmao, mint. hurry up and get ya degree i say lmao
But i intrested in this thread, so ill pop back
Lol, were you stoned when you wrote this?


Active Member
About 18 grand every 3 months, 7,000 watts 63 plants but its getting old. you want to trade e for your full time job
Yes, yes I, and probably most of the people on this forum, will trade you right now sir! My job is great, you will love it! Working at cvs pharmacy is super fun times! It comes with a cool white lab coat and everything! pfft

When I get more space and hone my craft, hopefully growing alone will support me monetarily. At 18 grand/3 months, yea, its gonna be an awesome time quitting my job in a spectacular fashion. Then all I have to worry about is finding a hobby once growing is promoted to 'work'. Oh what I intend to do with that free time.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Yes, yes I, and probably most of the people on this forum, will trade you right now sir! My job is great, you will love it! Working at cvs pharmacy is super fun times! It comes with a cool white lab coat and everything! pfft

When I get more space and hone my craft, hopefully growing alone will support me monetarily. At 18 grand/3 months, yea, its gonna be an awesome time quitting my job in a spectacular fashion. Then all I have to worry about is finding a hobby once growing is promoted to 'work'. Oh what I intend to do with that free time.
What free time? If I aint tending the girls, I'll be chasing down bunny poo (need lots of it), chasing down more egg shells and coffee grounds (Huddle House and Waffle House), finding new sources for all of the above, making biochar, composting, mixing soils, the list goes on.......

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Anyone here that grows for a full time job?

If so, how many plants do you grow and how many lights/watts?

And if it isnt too much to ask, what do you make in a year?
I run a single 600w HPS. Even in my fucked up little cupboard if i sold what i grew instead of smoking it i would be making £16,000 a year tax free, i think my lat calculation was actually around £15,600 odd. Personally though, i like having a job, i get to learn useful things and meet interesting people. Also makes it a hell of a lot easier to avoid the tax man if you have a 100% legit form of income to jusitfy how you pay off your rent and bills and such.


New Member
what a topic but i will add in obviously theres alot of tax free money to made for intance lets just say :)) sell approx 8000 clones spring and fall and through out the year @ 5.00 = 40,000 you do 5 grows on your own 300 plant per grow room and accumlate 125 pounds @ 2100 per pound dam thats alot of cha ching beside a job you pay taxes on lol where does a guy sign up for something like this


Well-Known Member
growing used to be fun. I have been harvesting back to back for 5 years rooms flowering room vegging for 5 years str8. im sick of it. the moneys gud I have sum free time but its a constant baby sitting job with the plants worried about everything chopping down just enough in sections so you can trim it all. day in and day out all night trimming trichomes in your eyes lol I will take your lab coat and a 8 hour shift and leave work at work

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Guess it depends on what you wish as your income and how you grow. I would be more than happy living off 16k a year, it would be more than enough. And for that i'd just be harvesting one every month with a couple of hours trimming each harvest. You're right about the babysitting though, i just had to turn down an all expense paid holiday to the south of France due to not being able to leave the plants that long.


Well-Known Member
Guess it depends on what you wish as your income and how you grow. I would be more than happy living off 16k a year, it would be more than enough. And for that i'd just be harvesting one every month with a couple of hours trimming each harvest. You're right about the babysitting though, i just had to turn down an all expense paid holiday to the south of France due to not being able to leave the plants that long.
damn that sucks. thats one place i really want to go. im french myself. my bills come out to 3 grand every 2 months i have to take care o two kids that are mine and sumtimes two that are not and a wife. shes going to school to be a parmtech. almost done. cant wait then maybye I can lighten up a bit. seems like the more money you make the more need you have for more. Or I am just really bad with money. I go into a store and see something I like and I see the price and if its too cheap I dont like it anymore. sickening


Well-Known Member
2x 600w.. & a separate dark room.. so I run 2 batches under my 600w's I have to manually flip them every 12 hours -_- Oh My God..its bs.