anyone growing outdoor in england?.


Well-Known Member
need a little advice about a few things, so is anyone growing outdoor in the uk?.
thanks, ive never done a full grow outdoor.
not with plants this big.
will the finish flowering with out shitty weather.
my 4 big plants have just started to flower.
anyone think they could finish?.
or might i have to use my lights.


Well-Known Member
ah shit man are those 34 plants in your garden in the uk? my friends doing lowryder in the garden and there lookin sweet, i wish i could give you advice! i live in the uk to, don't ya think the weathers pretty shitty?


Well-Known Member
hey, i hear the weather is not great in england this summer so u should b in for a good fall, so should b good for your flowering.... hopefully..

what strain u got goin?


Well-Known Member
i got ice.about 20 counting all the clones too.1 of the ice is 3 1/2 foot,with 16 main colas.
orange budd crossed with venus"f2" about 5 .2 of them are 4 foot and have about 25 plus main colas.
ak47 just 2 plants
d.poison just 2 plants.
hope they can finish flowering, cos temps are getting 60 on a night.
indigo just 1 plant


Well-Known Member
idk mate....good luck with in BG is the total opposite....temps are gettin too high! in the mid 90's


Well-Known Member
I keep thinking about some outdoor growing but I'd be devo if I put in all that effort and thy were wiped out by frost bite or sumat. I read in another thread the other day that plants don't like growing up in sun shine and being taken away from it to put under artificial light So I'd be tempted to leave them outdoor.

Hope all turns out okay.


Well-Known Member
if it gets too cold, or they dont finish flowering by the middle of oct then they will have togo under lights.
if the plants would fit in my garage.
my 4 big plants are 3 foot square and 3 to 4 foot tall and are just showing sex.
if they are 4 foot now, how big are they going to get?.6,8 foot?.
any views?.


Well-Known Member
i only have a 250,400,600 hps.
i think the o.bud are stavias, they were crossed with a venus, what i think is indica.
i know the ice is indica?.
do plants still double when they are 4foot tall, so they could be 8 to 10 foot tall.


Well-Known Member
those will be hard to hide, think i might need a greenhouse, with the windows white washed, so people cannot see.
des anyone think its too late too top.