anyone grown blue venmon...having clone issiues...mother dies

ok ive got the clone bit to a art im able to clone nyc bubblegum grape god ect... im trying a strain called "blue Venmon" an from fem seeds they jump right up and grow like little monsters..(I had 10 seeds im down to 4) prob is my first plant I took 10 clones at on time...three lived ...30% sucks but the bad thing is the host mother died within six hours...complete colapse of all the limbs like it had no water ....and all the clone cuttings are hollow in the center....well i ran with the three clones and they did seed ....first on got nice sized (about two foot with lots of limbs)...only took 5 cuttings...bam same thing....well I went ahead and took 28 more cuttings as she was gonna die anyway....only one clone lived.....and every seed clones lived and as little as three cuttings seems to instantly kill the mother.....any way long story short....i have 4 seeds left and if ANYONE has suggestions it would be a huge huge help.

frig guy

Active Member
I have heard of this but i was told from another grower that if you hold and only green fresh flexible under water when you cut it it might help IDK otherwise it is a uncloneable strain sad to hear