During the 12hours of darkness, the plant produces the substunces that needs for flowering.
If you keep a constant 14/12 it meens that you loose 12hrs of darkness every 6days....
This means that by the end of the month you will have lost 60 hrs of valuable darkness.. (correct me somebody please if wrong)
I had the same idea as you but i just figure those out and i dont think it will work finally. I like your way of thinking man. GO EXPERIMENTING!! Immitation sucks
12/12 is just a standard used to ensure all strains will flower regardless of their natural origin
only around 9.5 hours of darkness is required to trigger flowering and reach the point of critical darkness
i have flowered on 11, 12, 13 , 14 hours on 11 hours i noticed less yield, 12-14 from what i can tell there is very little difference if any that i could notice
some very long flowering 16-20weeks sativas will not enter flower on 12/12 for months and can be put on a 10/14 hour photo period to induce them quicker
if anything giving them more should increase yield due to an overall increase in photosynthesis, upto a point where they will start to try and re-veg or grow more leafy
as i said i noticed very little difference, overall i think it was a waste of the extra electricity ill stick with 12/12