anyone have the homestead shroom instruction sheet?


Well-Known Member
I ordered a refill kit ....I don't have the papers or dvd from 1st order, it was a few years ago.
My question is now that the mycelium is spreading thru the compost ,do I need to open the bag at all for more air. I can't remember, I thought it was 15 minutes a day? Everything looks good, I don't want to mess up anything now. Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
Never expose myclium if it is still colonizing a substrate. You need CO2 while colonizing and fresh air when it is being fruited.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. There is a filter style air patch at the top of the bag. But I couldn't remember if I was opening the bag each day during fruiting....its been a few years. I think I'll open it each morning for 15 min. That number keeps popping up in my head.


Well-Known Member
^ I read ' fresh air while fruiting ' and mistook fruiting as the final step. But thanks for looking out:-?


Well-Known Member
Tylerrr is right, high co2 while mycelium is growing, low co2 during pinning and fruiting. If you are actually getting fruit, and you have some exchange, then I don't know what you should do. but opening them won't cause immediate harm.


Well-Known Member
I was always under the impression that the filter patch was for air exchange. Dont qoute me on that as its bedn years for me also. I just remember only opening for harvest. Doesnt mean I was correct to do that but I never had problems.

Edit.....I do still have the dvd tho so ill check it when I get home and see if I can provide a better answer rather than a guess.