Anyone having any skin cancer issues with HPS and LED lights?

Colo MMJ

Well-Known Member
I have always had to be careful with the sun for basal cell and squamous cell. Started when I was in late teens. Thank God no Melanoma. I may have had a small spot on my leg but Cansema (Amazon black salve) killed it and it is awesome.

I started this new growing gig and had a spot on my face and shoulder flare up. I have shirts on all the time plus try to always wear sunglasses or grow glasses and a baseball cap in the grow room. The Colorado sun at high elevation can be pretty tough too. I guess I am getting a cowboy hat or sombrero for the grow room.

I am working on some remedies but will probably have to go to the doctor ASAP. I do not want MOHs aka scraping or cutting. I tried CBD oil but it was so so. Baking soda and Tumeric are working better. Thanks. Be careful with your eyes and skin folks. Thanks.
Skin cancer is cause by exposure to UV radiation.

  • UVA makes up most of our natural sun light. It goes deeper into the skin and causes skin ageing. It is now also linked to skin cancer
  • UVB is most likely to burn the skin and is the main cause of non melanoma skin cancer
  • UVC is filtered out by the atmosphere of the earth (ozone layer)


HPS and most LED's do not emit UV radiation. Metal halides do.
So it is the metal halides in Veg that I am using that may have contributed. Went right through shirts. I will wear sunglasses, long sleeve shirt and a towel over my head and shoulders. I probably will spend big bucks at a dermatologist too.

Another reason to try to migrate to LED's or T5s for veg. Thank you. I will read the article too. Other growers be careful of your eyes and skin.
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I would say cover up if you are extra susceptible, not spend $ on new lighting if what you have is working.
How bout long sleeves, a ski mask, and some method 7's :hump:
Probably gonna find out led laser beams are no healthier in close proximity
Thanks. It is funny but the local Home Depot had those face masks for winter marked down. I will be wearing baseball or other hat, towel on shoulders and in front of face.

I had not had any real problems with the sun in the past. Be wary other growers because these HPS/halide lights must be as strong as the sun and your skin may react faster. If COBs are safer then I am ready for moving more towards COBs.
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You know sometimes when i leave the room after watering i feel a slight burn behind my neck and the top of my head only from an hps which bearly emits any UV, so if you have skin issues, then you need to be careful under hps and especially mh.
you could also consider dimming lights when u work in there

Great idea or perhaps turn them off while you are tending to your garden and illuminate the grow space with whatever light you are not sensitive to. Then fire them back up when your finished.
That way you just flip a switch, strip butt naked and enjoy your garden.

You know sometimes when i leave the room after watering i feel a slight burn behind my neck and the top of my head only from an hps which bearly emits any UV, so if you have skin issues, then you need to be careful under hps and especially mh.

HPS and MH put off a good amount of infrared which is the same type of heat that you're feeling when sitting around a camp fire. You know that feeling?
I'm battling Carcinoma. Been over a year now. I'm more concerned with going from my front door to the car than I am about the grow room (did you know side car windows have no UV protection). But caution is always good. The chemo treatment melts away your skin and you're left with puss-ie looking open wounds to slowly heal. Not fun.

If you're in your grow room for extended periods of time I would cover up with an Exfficio or Coolibar long sleeve shirt. I'm wearing one at the moment.
So it is the metal halides in Veg that I am using that may have contributed. Went right through shirts. I will wear sunglasses, long sleeve shirt and a towel over my head and shoulders. I probably will spend big bucks at a dermatologist too.

Another reason to try to migrate to LED's or T5s for veg. Thank you. I will read the article too. Other growers be careful of your eyes and skin.

When you do decide to go to a Dermatologist, PM me and I will give you the name of mine (Denver metro, DTC area). Best Dr I've ever been to. If you let her know cash is tight she will work with that sourcing cheaper medication thru mail order.