anyone help with a soil issue?


Hi, i've planted my widow seeds into some well recommended multipurpose compost and they're about 2and a half inches tall. I've now realised i should have also put perlite in the soil.

Is it gonna be to risky to carefully pull them out with some soil round them, then get the perlite mixed in and then re-plant them? or will this damage or stress them?

Basically, is it worth me doing this?

Also does anyone know if there is a easy way to keep the ph right in the soil??
I'm thinking about just going the whole way with Miracle Grow all purpose??, i have got a test kit coming but jus wondered if theres a better way than tpo buy the ph up and down???

I'm grateful for any help i can get, being a noob :) Thankin you! :bigjoint:
I know you can add limestone to the mix to increase PH. as far as lowering it im not sure. Odds are you can prob flush the soil a few times to lower it but i dont know if thats good for the mix or not.

Mrs. Robinson

Active Member
depending what size container you are in now, if you started small, eventually real soon, you will have to transplant so just add perlite then.
My experience with compost is that it retains alot of moisture, so just be careful of where you are at with the H2O situation.
Miracle Gro sux.Plain and simple....If you are gonna invest the time, invest in a proper nutrient.
A little bit more coin and you will not regret it.PH up /ph down, is the easiest way.Instead of dick'n with limestone, baking soda, or what have you....

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
If you do add pH down to your tap water, your going to need to add rapid release dolomite lime to your soil or as a top dressing....the acid buffers into your soil, creating acidic soil...the dolomite lime will help to raise your soil while you add acids, it's a seesaw relationship, and is very necessary....or you could use RO water, problem solved.

...and as stated, MG sucks...if your in soil, stay as organic as you can, IMO.


Well-Known Member
depending what size container you are in now, if you started small, eventually real soon, you will have to transplant so just add perlite then.
My experience with compost is that it retains alot of moisture, so just be careful of where you are at with the H2O situation.
Miracle Gro sux.Plain and simple....If you are gonna invest the time, invest in a proper nutrient.
A little bit more coin and you will not regret it.PH up /ph down, is the easiest way.Instead of dick'n with limestone, baking soda, or what have you....
Hey, hes RIGHT about that MG fert,,all purpose,,all talk and dosnt work well. It would be ok on orinmental plants , its not any good for weed...,,nearly killed a plant with it!!! but I use the MG potting soil and that has all the nutes I need until bloom time.


Ah cool, any opinion is better than my own. I've just been trying to read lots on here.

So, now i know the MG useless, what would you recommend?? I'm obviously willing to pay whats needed for the best results i can get :)

And i don't know if i'm being thick but where could i get my hands on this ro water then?


depending what size container you are in now, if you started small, eventually real soon, you will have to transplant so just add perlite then.
My experience with compost is that it retains alot of moisture, so just be careful of where you are at with the H2O situation.
Miracle Gro sux.Plain and simple....If you are gonna invest the time, invest in a proper nutrient.
A little bit more coin and you will not regret it.PH up /ph down, is the easiest way.Instead of dick'n with limestone, baking soda, or what have you....
I've just started them in the pots i intend to keep them in. about 8" round and 10" deep.


Well-Known Member
Ah cool, any opinion is better than my own. I've just been trying to read lots on here.

So, now i know the MG useless, what would you recommend?? I'm obviously willing to pay whats needed for the best results i can get :)

And i don't know if i'm being thick but where could i get my hands on this ro water then?
well anything is really better than MG all purpose. If your willing toid recommend the bio bizz range for soil. abit pricey but quailty product,,,maybe leave off till there are signs of slow growth or nute defs before adding nutes if growing in pure compost,,also maybe if the compost is forified lots then you wont need a veg fert. just a bloom fert and flower stim.
also maybe add some hole to the pot if possible to help air-i-ation and drainage.
I dont know about ro water,,as here in scotland our water pretty pur,,even in the cant help there.
also if using cfl's maybe dutch liquid masters light,,i think its called,,havnt used it but herd very good things.


I've just been looking at the bio bizz packs on ebay. If i get all 3 (grow, bloom and top maxx) how do u know what to give them and when or is it all explained on the bottles??

Looks like i'm gonna have to uproot them quicky just to get this perlite mixed in the soil then.


Well-Known Member
Ah cool, any opinion is better than my own. I've just been trying to read lots on here.

So, now i know the MG useless, what would you recommend?? I'm obviously willing to pay whats needed for the best results i can get :)

And i don't know if i'm being thick but where could i get my hands on this ro water then?
Why do you think you need RO water?

Unless your tap water has a PPM of over 200, RO water is not needed and a waste of $$$.

Get a water analysis of your city's water online. See what you have first.



Well-Known Member
I've just been looking at the bio bizz packs on ebay. If i get all 3 (grow, bloom and top maxx) how do u know what to give them and when or is it all explained on the bottles??

Looks like i'm gonna have to uproot them quicky just to get this perlite mixed in the soil then.
hey,, yeah, it has a complete run down of whats in it, how it works and directions on the side of the bottle, in multi lingo too,,should english not be your first....
also transplanting is the biggest shock plants go through after taking clones/cuttings ,,so just be careful when you remove those roots and dnt let them get any light,,alittle wont really hurt but the less the better. saying that the drainage and air in there(with perlite) will be alot better,less compaction too.
on the bio bizz frount I dont use the biogrow,,hadnt seen a need for it,with my soil,,,the topmax is a defo and the bio bloom,.,and maybe bio heaven(its expensive and not really fert,,it helps plants transport systems and uptake),, but the bloom and topmax work well and cause its all organic you can go that way if so inclined. just remember to flush at the end and if its in the small pot for longer than a month leach the pot(also refered to as flushing,,but yeah,,3x the amount of soil by water,,so 1 gallon of soil needs 3gallons of water to leach) sorry if you know this just want to cover youbases..
good luck with the soil change...and good luck with the grow..


ahh cool, thanks alot. I'm from england so just down the road :)

I really don't know that much at all, just the starting basics and then just work it out as it goes along by reading on here and stuff.
I've read that your best to stop feeding them 2 weeks before harvest? Then flushing, does this mean you basically just pour clean water in and let it drain out the bottom??

I've read that the bio bloom is really good but then a good 1 after is monster bloom? i guess this is just a matter of opinionThis is a first time for me so any help is really appreciated!!!

You can write me a full step by step if you want :D