Anyone here had a bad experience with black ice?


Active Member
Last night i was driving home with my family, and suddenly we hit a patch of black ice, then we immediatly started fish tailing back and forth on the intrerstate and to the side of the road a straight drop down a hill and into the woods pretty scary so i pulled the car into the fast lane the best i could and tapped the brake then my car immediately spun around facing oncoming traffic luckily there werent to mnany cars out that night and made it to the shoulder till traffic passed so i could turn around. I am going to purchase new tires and go 4wd for now on.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member

This is one of those threads titles where it's totally something different than you thought it would be.


Well-Known Member
Got my 2nd DUI because of a patch of black ice on an off ramp, hit it around a curve and jumped the curb into a snow bank, had to call a tow truck.

Don't drink much anymore but did the same as you and got a 4x4 with good tires. Oh the fun of WI.


Ursus marijanus
I thought I'd read about the newest überstrain.

I have driven on the leavings of freezing rain (entertaining in an oh-shit-we-die-now kind of way, but outright black ice? No, thank goodness. cn


Undercover Mod
Guessing your not from the north. Never hit the brakes you will only lose control and correct in the opposite direction of the slide, but dont over correct or you spin.


Undercover Mod
We got about a foot of snow in 12 hours today. Where I come from assholes drive 60 whens there is three inches of snow ice and slush on the roads.


Active Member
i knew i would spin i wanted to once i made it to the left lane i didnt right lane again taking my chances with the steep hill so i figured i had better chances with the guard rail it all happened so fast but time seemed to slow way down at the same time i guess.


Active Member
yeah dui suck ive had a lot of friends get them ive passed the field tests several time drunk i think of it as a game and im not gonna lose just dont blow or talk it will get you caught up every time with the police.


Well-Known Member
last year i drove from portland to denver over roads that were more ice than road. mainly going about 35 mph the whole time.

in any case, i am on the I-80 through wyoming late at night, just about to the 25 south. black ice is everywhere, but i am just taking my time.

need to fill up one last time to get to denver, so i pull off the highway and onto an off ramp that was a plain sheet of ice. i was going way too fast for it, too.

managed to get control of the car once again with plenty of room left to stop. took a deep breath of relief as i was only going 10 mph or so and in control.

well, turns out that my troubles weren't over. tried to come to a slow stop at the end of the off ramp and it wasn't happening. nearly slid off the other side of the road, down a small hill and into the ditch where i would need a tow to get me out.

luckily i managed to stop in just enough time. it would have sucked because the gas station was a half a mile off the exit and it was about -40 outside with stiff gusty winds (they felt like 60-80 mph gusts).

tough winters in wyoming.


Active Member
wow that would suck to be stuck that far away from a gas station. you would start to feel like you are in one of those i survived show. glad you made it out alright.


Well-Known Member
wow that would suck to be stuck that far away from a gas station. you would start to feel like you are in one of those i survived show. glad you made it out alright.
when i got up to the pump and opened my door, the wind seemed like it was going to snap the door right off.

didn't even bother to fill the tank, just got enough gas to get down to denver. it was that cold.


Well-Known Member
Guessing your not from the north. Never hit the brakes you will only lose control and correct in the opposite direction of the slide, but dont over correct or you spin.
see already know youve driving in the tristate area

lol try black ice on a s curve down hill now thats what i call blood curdling

but like balzaac said

tapping a break works well when your going straight but dude if your already sliding your gonna loose what little traction you have

best thing to do if you ever find your self sliding

never panic

never jump

just let of the accelerator get your self facing straight and then get back on the accelerator

the accelerator or the brake is gonna cause a break in the traction to the ground

for a little information theres less than half a inch of your tire on the ground when your driving at 60mph

take that into count with the friction coefficient of just wet road not even iced road

your asking for trouble

why do you think you brake to powerslide :D


Well-Known Member
see already know youve driving in the tristate area

lol try black ice on a s curve down hill now thats what i call blood curdling

but like balzaac said

tapping a break works well when your going straight but dude if your already sliding your gonna loose what little traction you have

best thing to do if you ever find your self sliding

never panic

never jump

just let of the accelerator get your self facing straight and then get back on the accelerator

the accelerator or the brake is gonna cause a break in the traction to the ground

for a little information theres less than half a inch of your tire on the ground when your driving at 60mph

take that into count with the friction coefficient of just wet road not even iced road

your asking for trouble

why do you think you brake to powerslide :D
great advice there.

the first time i got on ice, i put my car into a tree, basically totaled it (although i could have fixed the body and replaced the radiator and it would have worked).

the next time i got on ice, i knew not to hit the brakes and it saved my life.

i was once again driving through wyoming and i did not know what this sign meant:

in any case, i hit a seemingly dry looking bridge at about 80 mph or so and started sliding. there was a semi parked off the right side of the road, just over the bridge. if i tapped my brakes, i could have flown right into him. it took everything i had to not hit the brakes and i straightened out and got traction in enough time to be safe.

great thread for this time of year, be safe out there.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Ive been sliding on ice at like 20mph and that shit had my heart down in my shoes. not a nice feeling having almost no control.