anyone in north east u.s.a? whats the best type to grow?


Well-Known Member
i live in mass, and was wondering if anyone out this way new of some good strains that go along with our seasons up here before winter hits
Anything that finishes in a reasonable amount of time will be ok but on the shorter side would be better. The issue up here is that the fall is damp so everything tends to mold(it can be a crap shoot). Mold resistant strains, keep the plan trimmed for airflow, cover if you can for rain, bring them in at night if you have a unlighted shed. Alternatively do autos throughout the summer so worst case you get something if we get a particularly bad fall.
Check out the Massachusetts Outdoor Threads for 2020 and 2019 or any other years if they're up... Youll find the local strains for us mass growers that do well in our climate. Basically just anything with good mold resistance because we get late flower rainy season and high humidity... the rains are usually the biggest issue for mass growers, So while you grow make sure you do a good defoliation before flower and try to inspect multiple times daily for the last few weeks to catch and bud rot. I personally just grow whatever I want indoors or outdoors in mass... I prefer indicas so I never really have any long flowering sativas at most a 60/40 hybrid sat./ind. so I've never had any issues finishing on time, bud rot has been a recurring theme over the last 15-20 years though. Plenty of good MA growers on here, join the thread! Good luck, sorry I cant give you specifics.

Massachusetts Outdoors 2020
Check out the Massachusetts Outdoor Threads for 2020 and 2019 or any other years if they're up... Youll find the local strains for us mass growers that do well in our climate. Basically just anything with good mold resistance because we get late flower rainy season and high humidity... the rains are usually the biggest issue for mass growers, So while you grow make sure you do a good defoliation before flower and try to inspect multiple times daily for the last few weeks to catch and bud rot. I personally just grow whatever I want indoors or outdoors in mass... I prefer indicas so I never really have any long flowering sativas at most a 60/40 hybrid sat./ind. so I've never had any issues finishing on time, bud rot has been a recurring theme over the last 15-20 years though. Plenty of good MA growers on here, join the thread! Good luck, sorry I cant give you specifics.

Massachusetts Outdoors 2020
I didn’t even know about this thread thanks.
Also, Heres a thread for OP... Someone researched some seeds that would do well for them in MA, worth checking out. I dont have much experience with any MOB or other strains mentioned, But def worth a look. Cheers

Anything that finishes in a reasonable amount of time will be ok but on the shorter side would be better. The issue up here is that the fall is damp so everything tends to mold(it can be a crap shoot). Mold resistant strains, keep the plan trimmed for airflow, cover if you can for rain, bring them in at night if you have a unlighted shed. Alternatively do autos throughout the summer so worst case you get something if we get a particularly bad fall.
i made a half ass greenhouse type thing to throw the plants in while it rains, i put clear painters plastic drop over the top of it . for the most part ive been leaving em outside at night unless the weather says its gonna rain. i havent gotten to try out the minni greenhouse yet. so not too sure how itll work.
Check out the Massachusetts Outdoor Threads for 2020 and 2019 or any other years if they're up... Youll find the local strains for us mass growers that do well in our climate. Basically just anything with good mold resistance because we get late flower rainy season and high humidity... the rains are usually the biggest issue for mass growers, So while you grow make sure you do a good defoliation before flower and try to inspect multiple times daily for the last few weeks to catch and bud rot. I personally just grow whatever I want indoors or outdoors in mass... I prefer indicas so I never really have any long flowering sativas at most a 60/40 hybrid sat./ind. so I've never had any issues finishing on time, bud rot has been a recurring theme over the last 15-20 years though. Plenty of good MA growers on here, join the thread! Good luck, sorry I cant give you specifics.

Massachusetts Outdoors 2020
awesome!!!! that sounds perfect! thank you