Anyone know how to build a reservoir?


Active Member
I bought a blumat system that uses osmosis to water plants from a reservoir. I'm not sure how to build a reservoir. I'm pretty sure the blumats need pressure in the quarter inch tubing to draw water. Anyone ever built a small gravity reservoir for a drip system? Can you show me how?


Active Member
I'm askin not in a smart ass way but just to get clarity: is this for a DIY need or a cash/bargain need?

Just thinkin Bro if you got $40-80 bucks, I'd just invest in a ATO (automatic top off system) the ones used for aquariums...that's what I use and it keeps my ppm's, pH and levels stable...

if you need more info, I'll elaborate (I use a computer, et) or check out JBJ et at


Active Member
I already bought the Tropf Blumat set of 12 watering stations thinking, "Oh, here is a way to water my plants while I am away on a trip." Turns out the Amazon-sold system does not explain one thing - THE RESERVOIR. I don't want any more DIY projects. I've got some plants growing (with support from members on this site) and have most of my equipment running. I can't find anyone here who knows squat about the blumat system that is willing to tell me how to get it going. I've got a plane to catch and I know how to use a computer too. Never had an aquarium and never will. Have had a kid and a pet and once is enough. My question is whether the 12 blumats will pull the water out of the reservoir or do I need to have the reservoir PUSH the water into the system by gravity. If so, how did anyone who did it, do IT??

There is another website with 218 pages dedicated to the topic of blumats and I'm just not in the mood to find a needle in a haystack tonight. Been doing that all week. Your system sounds interesting and I would like to hear more but I'm a newbie and I just got started on this. Thanks.
I love your profile pictures. It would be an astronaut einstein / robin williams vs. an egyptian thing from power rangers... hahaha


Well-Known Member
they have a facebook page with setup video's
its just a gravity fed system from the looks of it