Anyone know if this is a problem?


New Member
You 0F93A079-EA1D-4E05-B8C8-8F21A548E3CA.jpeg 9BBAC577-6475-4DE9-9CD2-B8BE0ECCA992.jpeg I am a new grower, I have watch a lot of videos and guides but I have never seen this, really sorry about the light but I took the picture before finding this forum and I am out. Anyone have any clue if this is something I am doing wrong?
It's looking for better light. Those 'Full Spectrum' lights don't have all the proper light to grow decent plants. You fell for their false claims and cheep price.
hotrodharleys advice is generally spot on. He must be having one of those days.
Be patient somebody with more knowledge will come along with more than a one liner. I have a few years to put under my belt still before I can give advice on indoor growing issue's. Sorry.
No no guys I’m not taking it in a bad way sorry if it seems that way, I enjoy the rudeness lol thanks for the quick feedback
Seedling looks fine. Try, in the future, not to take pics under the blurple lighting. Mine as well be in black and white, no real color distinction. Seedling should be fine though. I wouldn't use rockwhool unless you're doing hydroponics. If you're doing hydro, rockwhool is awesome in my own experience.
*EDIT* Also, just because someone is rude to you doesn't mean you get a raincheck on calling the people trying to give you good advice douchebags. If that's your style, then go to some weak ass site where mods delete any "negative" comments that might hurt some strangers wittle feewings. Because we do not sugar coat our advice here.
well thanks man for the great reply and they weren’t helping much they WERE being duchebags and if I can’t have fun to and call them duchebags then what the hell is the point. Have a good one