If they fly i would say white flies if they dont fly i would say aphids hard to tell from that pic.
Ya outdoors. I’m sure they are around and I see all kinds of bugs stopping by for a little break. Reason 45679 to wash my buds at harvest lol.Are you outside? If so you'll likely b fine. If your inside and you didn't actually treat the problem they aren't gone trust me
The ants are helping them
If I were a bug it’s where I’d be too lmaoAnts are aphid farmers as they feast on the sugary excretions from the aphids feasting on your plants. lol.
little bastards lol.
Ya and I thought I had them under control but they persist. Outdoor. I have lost coast and neem oil so I’ll alternate.Ya got aphids.
Get ladybugs if outside.
Also spray them with an IPM
Lost coast plant therapy and alternate between another Foliar feed. If you have a ipm spray preference use that.
if inside and the plant is small enough you can dunk it in your ipm for full saturation.
Never tried it but I should soil drench with the Lost Coast - ya?Ya and I thought I had them under control but they persist. Outdoor. I have lost coast and neem oil so I’ll alternate.
If I were to get ladybugs wouldn’t they just fly away? I do see some on the plant’s but ur saying like “go buy ladybugs” and put them on? Pretend I’m 10 yrs old, I’m new at this and honestly not thy good at it lolYa got aphids.
Get ladybugs if outside.
If I were to get ladybugs wouldn’t they just fly away? I do see some on the plant’s but ur saying like “go buy ladybugs” and put them on? Pretend I’m 10 yrs old, I’m new at this and honestly not thy good at it lol
Yes it does, thanks. I am down to only seeing like 10-20 creep out when I spray now and it’s only on the sativas (that I see)hey bud ! I got ya no worries. They sell ladybugs at a lot of garden stores in little mesh packets that they keep usually in a fridge or cooler.
purchase some ladybugs usually in like a small medium or large 500-1,500 qty educated guess.
bring ladybug bag home put it directly into the refrigerator for later use.
make sure there is some moisture on your plants before you release ladybugs.
take bag of lady bugs out of fridge and cut bag in half or 1/3’s and place into the branches of each plant.
after some time move the bags into other plants to distribute the remaining ladybugs.
the ladybugs will stick around and feed on the aphids and eventually move on to other parts of your yard or garden.
does that make sense ?
I’m happy it is all working out for ya, plants look healthy. I’m big on throwing what I can at them if ya will and it seems to also work well for you and it seems ya picked up some new knowledge and experience along the way.Yes it does, thanks. I am down to only seeing like 10-20 creep out when I spray now and it’s only on the sativas (that I see) View attachment 5173519for some reason. I washed the entire plant and grabbed a 3rd type of spray to keep those bastards on their toes. I was concerned about going into flower this way because I stop sprays. So the ladybug thing would work then.You can see in this pic they ar wayyy better