Anyone know what's going on with my little one?


Active Member
What type of medium; soil

What brand and type of soil? It started out in Miracle grow time release potting soil but just after i got it, it started to get some nute burn so, at about 6 weeks from seed, i transplanted into FFOF

Indoors or outdoors? Indoors

What strain? Bagseed

How old are the plants?10 to 11 weeks from seed

What type of lights and how many watts?CFL 3 of them 27 watt true wattage

How far from the lights? 3 to 4 inches

What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? 6 days ago 16-18ozs of plain water. then i noticed an older leaf was beginning to yellow. that was 4 days ago (3.5 weeks after transplant into FFOF) the leaf got crispy and bent under. The next morning more leaves appeared to start yellowing so I mixed up a gallon of water with about .75tsp of Fox Farm Grow Big and gave it about 10 ozs 2 days after the most recent watering. The next day another older leaf curled under and got crispy. They eventually brown from the center out and become useless so i cut them off.

What are the temps and humidity in the room? 87 degrees at the leaves closest to the lights. 35 to 40% humidity

What size pots? 3.5 ish gallons

Any bugs? Look real close. a few gnats from time to time

Any other pertinent info? she (hopefully) is really small. Very tight with lots of growth but smaller than I have come to expect at this point. I'm growing it LST so in the pictures you will notice she is bent over to the left. This is very much on purpose. The plant was started on an 18/6 light schedule. Recently (after i noticed the yellowing/browning but before it escalated) I switched it over to 24/0. it's been 4 days at 24/0 and i'm afraid to switch back as i don't want to induce flowering. It's too small to flower unless i don't have a choice. Thanks for the help.



Well-Known Member
Did you by chance use a soil with nutrients in it already? It doesn't sound like you've used enough nutrients on your own to cause toxicity.