anyone know whats wrong


Well-Known Member
2012-08-23_23-32-12_384.jpg I have this plant in coconut husk seedling soil Idk whats wrong with it any thoughts? Also I have it under a 125 watt 6500k cfl


Well-Known Member
I it could be a few things, how much are you feeding in ppms. I'm think to many ppms, ph issuse, is your nutes compatiable to coco.....


Active Member
light's too close or, not watering often enough maybe, bad air circulation, those peat pots or pulp pots might dry out fast,whats the watering schedule? it looked like dry soil


Well-Known Member
I did some soil test and im thinking im very low on nitrogen so I got some mg I know its not an ideal nute but all I could afford at the time


Active Member
ya could be a couple problems, i personally wouldnt jump to any deficiency conclusion yet. first try to make sure ur soil goes up to the TOP of your pot, but id fill her up and pop another in there.
