Anyone know ..


Staff member
How hot is your grow area ?
How much do you water and when

Best to give all information about your plant possibly or else it's just a guessing game


Well-Known Member
Another pic. I thought it was the light too close but it would explain the leaves half way down the plant getting the problem


Well-Known Member
2 gallon mate
Thats a root problem i would almost bet if u pull it up thise roots are turning brown never grow in anything less then 3 -5 gallon pots i just had that prob in my last grow it was a 2.5 gallon got root bound and started to kill my plant put her in the 5 gallon she cleared up in a week


Well-Known Member
Sorry - I was wrong. They are 5 gallon
Could be a fungus? I've flushed for now and will see.. But this reminds me of a fungus issue I've had in the past

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
it does look a little like root rot damage, but usually if you're seeing that, you're gonna be seeing a lot more than one leaf with it, by that time usually you'll have curling lower leaves with white patches, and curl that looks kind of like leaf tacoing.
is it just that one leaf? or is it spreading?

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Sorry - I was wrong. They are 5 gallon
Could be a fungus? I've flushed for now and will see.. But this reminds me of a fungus issue I've had in the past
I can only tell you what it is not. It is not a fungus.

They need more info about your grow, the more you add the better.
This is a paste it may have questions you answered:
The more information the better the help.
What medium?
What lighting? How far from plants?
What nutrients?
How were the nutrients used, how often, how much?
How often do you water and how much do you use?
What temps and humidity?
Do you have fans for air circulation?
Stuff like that and other info might get you a better answer.


Well-Known Member
Ok .. Yes. Agree
Using bio bizz nutes. Feeding every 4 / 5 days with every water. Read is between 11-14 ppm per plant
400w HPS - plants are about 10 inches away
Soil is H&G bat mix
I'm using both bio bizz grow and bloom but cutting down grow as it's nitrogen heavy
Temps are 20 - 28
Humidity at night is 60 - 65 .. Day is 50
I have 2 small fans in there , a carbon filter etc

I think I might have overfed. It's effecting 2 plants and at the tops ... I've flushed and they seem better. The buds are growing still :)

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Ok .. Yes. Agree
Using bio bizz nutes. Feeding every 4 / 5 days with every water. Read is between 11-14 ppm per plant
400w HPS - plants are about 10 inches away
Soil is H&G bat mix
I'm using both bio bizz grow and bloom but cutting down grow as it's nitrogen heavy
Temps are 20 - 28
Humidity at night is 60 - 65 .. Day is 50
I have 2 small fans in there , a carbon filter etc

I think I might have overfed. It's effecting 2 plants and at the tops ... I've flushed and they seem better. The buds are growing still :)
I'm not familiar with your soil. You might want to research how often people are feeding with just water between feedings with nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Thx. Anyone use house and garden bat special?
Things seem to be a tad better since flushing. The stems went red and the grow place said its a sign of over feeding ... So they said flush a lot and give it a few days.

With flushing .. It obviously takes all the food out , so how long should I wait before feeding again considering its a key time and buds are forming now ?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you shouldn't wait, but start at about half strength, give them a little more next time etc., till they get to where you want them.
last i looked, red stems are a sign of P deficiency, as long as its not a genetic trait. not sure i'd trust the advice from your local grow store....of course, be careful who you listen to a matter of fact, forget i said anything...i don't know you


Well-Known Member
Lol .. Stoned?
I've flushed and will feed 1/2 strength .. Thx. Since flushing things have improved


Well-Known Member
So, I can smell rot . Great. Opened the tent and I can smell mildew/rot/mould. You know the smell !!
So, what do I do? Can I save them or a lost cause?
Due to all the flushing and high humidity, I guess this would have happened. First time in 6 grows. Anyway, try and stay positive

Any comments/help/advise would be hugely appreciated ! :)


Well-Known Member
sorry to see this has happened to you, not real sure what advice I could offer because I havent experienced this yet, and to be honest I hope I dont...I realized early on while my plants were in veg that humidity was going to be a problem for me and i have been closely monitoring my humidity level since I went into flower...90% of the time I am able to keep my humidity in range of 25% - 40% pretty easy using the fans I set up....bout the only time I have issues is when it is a rainy day and humidity outside is damn near humidity starts trying to climb up to 50% or 55% with lights off during those weather events but they dont occur that often really. I hope you can get some suggestions on ways you might possibly be able to salvage your grow though. Damn, that really does suck to find out you losing hard work to bullshit like this. try to keep positive though