Anyone Read Daniel Quinn?

His series of books have really inspired me, and thinking about the ideas expressed in his books after blazing always brings a new level of understanding. Anyone else read anything by him?
Damn no one?? I would highly reccommend his bookIshmael to anyone seeking to understand the root of many of the problems we face in the world today.


I did not recognize the author, but when you dropped the name of his book I totally knew it. I have not read it. I just do not feel like it is for me. It sounds like it would depress me. Maybe I just have an aversion too it because one of my best friends recommends it so highly. I love the guy, but he makes himself sound like a crazy hippie. He comes off as one of those guys who believes whatever he wants to believe. He is always like watch this video or something. It will blow your mind. Anyways, I'm bored and will therefore give an analysis of current thoughts towards the subject.

You say it talks about 'the roots of the problems we face in the world today.' Of course there is much more detail like the agriculture revolution and what not but the basic cause is greed. It says we could easily make the whole world have food and clean water. More importantly the root is the solution. How do we end the reign of all these greedy bastards who don't give a fuck about those dying of starvation? I have no clue. I can hardly talk myself considering I'm sitting on my couch in my summer cottage watching TV while writing this. My solution is to obtain more resources. That is why I am studying Engineering Physics. I think we should be doing all we can to spread our reach in the universe. If we utilized the amazing amounts of energy and space we have available, there will be less reason for such scarcity and harsh conditions. Also we will be able to ensure that the human races exists longer. I believe that with time humanity will mature and someday, somehow end such problems. What solution does Quinn support?


Well-Known Member
Problem = Greed

Solution = Suffer

Don't understand?

The problem is nobody wish to suffer, although sticking to the continued path only brings about deeper suffering. When people learn to suffer with dignity and let go of their hardships.., Then the ability to evolve pass those insurmountable illusions will fade away.

You say it talks about 'the roots of the problems we face in the world today.' Of course there is much more detail like the agriculture revolution and what not but the basic cause is greed. It says we could easily make the whole world have food and clean water. More importantly the root is the solution. How do we end the reign of all these greedy bastards who don't give a fuck about those dying of starvation? I have no clue. I can hardly talk myself considering I'm sitting on my couch in my summer cottage watching TV while writing this. My solution is to obtain more resources. That is why I am studying Engineering Physics. I think we should be doing all we can to spread our reach in the universe. If we utilized the amazing amounts of energy and space we have available, there will be less reason for such scarcity and harsh conditions. Also we will be able to ensure that the human races exists longer. I believe that with time humanity will mature and someday, somehow end such problems. What solution does Quinn support?