Anyone Skate


Well-Known Member
Who doesn't? xD
Danny Way was pretty sick.

I loved the rally car racing or what ever you wanna call it :P


Well-Known Member
i skate homie
its fun as hell
nothin better than smokin a blunt and goin for a skate


Well-Known Member
I used to, but i got tired of getting free rides home in the back of a patrol unit. Turns out things arent as public as you would think.


Well-Known Member
i skate downtown alot havent been arrested yet
i live in a small suburb and theres nowhere to skate, but in town theres signs up litterally everywhere people call a "spot." And the old people hate that shit and as soon as they see it they call the sheriff and complain apparently.


Well-Known Member
used to, i landed on my knees after a 20 ft drop.

pain and suffering did follow that drop.