Anyone tried a vertical or diagonal SCROG?


Active Member
I have a 170cm tall by 45cm deep by 85cm wide wardrobe that is now converted to growing.
I cannot use my 250hps because of heat issues and because I cant have fans running all of the time as its a small flat and other occupants ind it annoying.

Anyway I now have a 300w (actual) 6400k CFL for vegging (and will get a 2700k in a few weeks)

I was thinking that I would have a larger surface area for the screen if I did it diagonally and angled the light at it properly.

The reason I'm thinking of doing all this is because I have a tall space but CFLs don't penetrate down very far which is why the SCROG makes sense.

Do you think it should work diagonally? Anyone else tried it?

