Anyone turn their lights on at night?


Active Member
I was just wondering anyone turns on their lights during night because its cheaper? or is that stupid? i was just wondering. any answers? thanks


Well-Known Member
Skitch: Yes, I do and precisely for that reason. Last I checked, saving money was anything but stupid :)

Chromer: some power suppliers charge on a tiered scale. Power is priced at a lower rate in "off-peak" hours (from about 1700 - 1000). I am in such an area.


Well-Known Member
I do. But not because it saves energy, but because its a lot cooler at night and it helps with heat problems.


Active Member
Yes, mainly for heating issues. The electricity used really isn't that bad at least not on my end of the spectrum. Unless you were running a huge indoor operation I couldn't see how turning them on at night would offer any significant savings though savings are savings I guess whether large or small.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
I turn on the lights at night as well, because of heating issues.
Plus, I rather be able to walk in when I'm at home, which is usually at night.

Getting the 400w oven running at 2PM seems stupid while its 37C outside.


Well-Known Member
I wish we would have started ours on a night cycle . But due to other circumstances we have them off from midnight till 6am . But next cycle we will be off during the hottest part of the day .


Well-Known Member
I wish we would have started ours on a night cycle . But due to other circumstances we have them off from midnight till 6am . But next cycle we will be off during the hottest part of the day .
You could slowly adjust your light cycle so that it becomes night time. Simply change the on off time by 1/2 hour or 1 full hour every day.I don't believe that the one hour difference will cause any harm to your girls.

For the record I also prefer a night time cycle. I have complete control of light in the room so I can afford to be dark during daylight.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
You could slowly adjust your light cycle so that it becomes night time. Simply change the on off time by 1/2 hour or 1 full hour every day.I don't believe that the one hour difference will cause any harm to your girls.

For the record I also prefer a night time cycle. I have complete control of light in the room so I can afford to be dark during daylight.
I originally ran my lights during the day, but did a complete 12-hour switch by giving 24 hours straight darkness. Lights went off at 8pm, I left them off until 8pm the following day and flipped them on, resuming 12/12. The plants didn't care one bit and just kept on doing their thing. I've found excess darkness is less of an issue than excess light.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Run them at night it's better all around.(Winter&Summer)
Keep the light out during the day!!!!
8pm on - noon off 4 veg


Well-Known Member
Yup very good idea, for multi reasons, in the summer it helps with heat, and also consider, maybe less infrared eyes in the sky at 3 am. And great for night owls.