

Well-Known Member
Ok so heres whats going on....I planted 19 days ago....It was a bag seed (I know i'm broke ass but im getting my settlement from workerscomp) and i started it under 2 48" 40watt floros....Had some problem from day one..i will post pics from day one and on...So then i added a 23 watt and then a 42 watt....Then my baby started having problems...Stunted growth 1st set of leaves drying up and falling off and 1st set of real leaves did the same...So someone told me that it was too much light and that my plant was suffering from LIGHT TOXICITY....So me being as gulible as the next newbie changed around my lighting from taking the 42 watt cfl away to taking both floros away...Then it started to get really bad the leaves were getting really crispy...So on this past friday i transplanted the soil because i didn't add perlite....So i got new soil and a bag of perlite and transplanted....When i took my baby out of the soil i noticed that the root was growing out of the drainage hole in my 4x4 square pot....I didn't have another pot at that time to transfer so i changed the soil and added a bunch of perlite to the soil....So now its early monday moring and i have noticed that it really isn't looking good at all....When i transferd last night i watered after i planted and i also added some hydrogen peroxide to the water....I really need anyones advise...I will be getting a shit ton of money soon so i can buy some good seeds and equipment but is there any way it could come around?? What should i do??? The pics are from day 1 till tonight...



Well-Known Member
It's well water and i let it sit for 2 days before i water...How much arr PH kits?? What department at HD do i get them....


Well-Known Member
it looks a bit over watered and seriously stretched.
only water when the soil feels dry with your finger pushed into the soil about an inch and a half. which could be up to 5 days and get the lights closer.
also you arent giving it nutrients are you ? seedlings are way to fragile for nutrients until they have 4 or 5 nodes.
when you next transplant bury some of that excess stem


Well-Known Member
Yeah i did that...Sorry that pic is from 2 weeks ago....The second set is what it looks like now and the pot i put it in....And if i put the light any closer to the plant it would fry in 20min


Well-Known Member
ok look in the aquarium department u can find water ph kits there they read from like 6.2-7.5 or sumthin like that the soil ph tester i have no idea i just go by the water cuz my soils organic neways so i figure its already neutral also i would add more soil to ur mix unless u plan on added that wen u transplant it works for that otherwise id fill that pot and dig a hole and plant that baby


Well-Known Member
How to save my PLANT!!?? Its really getting worse everyday...I mean it was only a bad seed and my first grow but i've been trying to germ seeds on and off since i was 16 and finally one cracked....The 2 first leaves all but fell off....The 3rd leaf is getting more yellow and the 4th little tiny leave is still green....The stem from the very first leaves looks healthy kinda purple but i hear that is good....Will there be any new growth to come out of it....I would just throw the shit out but i don't have cash to buy seeds now...I will in a month and probly a HPS but right now i can't....Any advise would be helpful...Even if its to say i'm a moron and to throw it out...


Well-Known Member
ok theres still hope pot is a very durable plant but let me ask sum ?s sry if u answered them b4 i just dont wanna hunt down the answers, do u kno the ph of ur water and or soil do u use nutes/ bad dont use them till 3 weeks... um how often do u water wat kind of light do u have how close is it wats the temp and humidity?


Well-Known Member
Okay let me chime in. I have never tested my waters PH always let it sit out. I think that your pot just got too small for the plant, I think that when you took it out to redo the soil you were messing with it and caused it trauma. Just make sure not to over water, don't let your light fry it, don't fertilize it and remember it's just a young baby and needs some time to get a grip again. It may perk back up, some people tend to over care their plants to death. I have grown under fluros ( shop Lights) for many years and never nuted anything until I became a connoisseur Now I have big girl lights etc... My main point is it doesn't have to cost you an arm and a leg to get some bud and sometimes you luck out and get some damn good bud, Those you clone, So to recap keep your light as close as possible, get a fan to blow on the plant to keep it from getting too hot if you have to.It helps it get stronger,not on high either just a gentle breeze. If it over stretches it's real freaking hard to get it back, I have buried stems before only to have them die anyway. Most important wait. and Wait and wait. Then repot to a bigger pot when you have to I like to gradually get bigger, I want more veg than roots. If you give it a great big pot then it spends all it's time rooting. I hope it perks up for you. Good luck, I hope I helped some. Remember it's a weed and it tends to do ok if you give it some time.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advise...I went to look at my baby last night and at the 1st or 2nd node (i can't tell if there is 2 or 1) there are 3 baby leafs growing!!! I will put pics up by 1230....The 1st 2 leafs are gone nothing left...The 3rd leaf is going the same route as the other 2 i thought it might make it but nope....And the 4th little leaf isn't looking so hot....But these 3 new leafs look really healthy...Also i really think that there was nothing else wrong with the plant than the pot it was in...When i transfered to a bigger pot i noticed that the roots were growing out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot and they were really just looking for more nutes and places to grow....But now it's got a big gallon round pot i think...I'm just keeping the 42watt and 23watt cfl on...The floros were KILLING my electric bill...I also have a fan blowing on it it's on high but it's high isn't really high...Also should i go back to 24/0 for lighting or stay on the 18/6...I don't want a hermie but i also just want this fucking thing to grow....It's my first real grow and i want it to work out....


Well-Known Member
Well if i change the lighting schedule around won't that most likely make it a hermie??? If not what should i go at i have been keeping it at 18/6 but would 22/2 be better for my situation now with the leafs dieing and new one coming in....


Well-Known Member
ya ull b fine the only way u can get a hermie is if there are several plants or a male and felmaile the male has to pollenate the female in order for ne nut sacs to sho up so if thats ur only baby ur ok to change ur lights


Well-Known Member
Ok so i went and got a digital thermometer and when i got home the last big leaf was pointed up...What the fuck is going on....The temp in there is 74.1 and the humidity is 42%....You can kinda see the new leafs comming in there really green and the rest is fucking yellow....I NEED HELP!!!



Well-Known Member
When I'm in veg I am on 24 hours light, all my clones and veg plants are in the light all the time, so that being said I think your plant is reaching for the light that's why it's straight up. I have never given any dark period for the veg cycle.Just keep the light on and let her go. You can hermie if you fuck around with it too much. It doesn't have to have any other plants etc... At this young age it really shouldn't matter if you give it more light. I think changing your pot like you said was what it needed. Now that you have given it more soil it will have nutes for awhile. I think you should just watch the watering and give her some light and let her be for awhile. It will get good and strong fat leaves. You just need some patience at this particular time of her life. She has to have time to adjust to her new pot so it will be concentrating on roots right now. It should start on the new growth in a few days. Each new leaf will get fatter and she'll get taller just don't let her go too tall. Keep the light as close as you can. Try to quit worrying it takes time. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks alot man...That really settled my nerves alot....I will go to 24/0 but how long do i keep that??? I am on day 22 with it....I am running my bulbs off a regular lamp...It has 2 outlets on the sides and a socket on top...I used to run 2 48" 40 watt floros with the 42 and 23 watt clf...But now i'm running just the 42 and 23 in an backwards L (best i can describe if you didn't see the pic of my setup) The 42watt is right over top of it no more than 2 inches and the 23 watt is vertical but i am using the ballast from the floros as an reflector...Is that a good idea? it at about a 45 degree angle now...Should i turn my floros back on...It killed me in the last 2 weeks of my electric bill....Would it be worth it...I'm sorry for so many questions but i am a newb and not to sound gay but it's people like u that make it easy for us newbs...I wonder what they did in the 70's with out RIU??